combination of everything ?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm

i wanna be able to do everything in the game , i wanna be a warrior thief mage character that can use blades, magics, stealh and bows
is that even possible ?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:25 pm

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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:07 am

how i can do that? and without being totally svck
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 am

By using the skills and training them.You can be any type of character you choose...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 am

Mastering everything is not only possible, it is extremely powerful. The hardest part at higher levels is combatting boredom and deciding which of 27 ways of killing a foe to you want to use for each fight.

Getting there can be a bit of a rocky road because you can be spread a little thin during the middle levels if you are not careful. Many ways to work around/deal with that. A couple are:
- Get really good with some skills that can keep you alive (say blade and destruction), then gradually add more offensive abilities like the bow.
- Bump the difficulty slider down when things are tough. Later on, things will be easy and you can bump it back up, probably to harder than default.

I used to play 'all rounders'. I eventually found them too easy, so I started limiting what my characters can do in terms of skills they can use or attributes they can develop. I currently play a rather specialized 'glass cannon' type character. The list of what she can't or won't do is as long as the list of what she can or will do. Different strokes. :P
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Rach B
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:42 am

Yes, it's quite possible. Your major skills just start 20 points higher than your minor skills and they improve faster. But both can be trained to 100.

One possible character:

Race: Breton
Birthsing: Mage
Favored Attributes: Strength and Endurance
Specialization: any

Major skills:
1. Blade
2. Block
3. Destruction
4. Illusion
5. Marksman
6. Restoration
7. Sneak

Word of advice: for the first 15-20 levels you should strongly focus on about half of your major skills (or less than half). Because the game is scaled having a few highly developed skills is much better than having many average skills. After level 20 however, feel free to train any skills you want.

So basically for the first 10 levels it would be best if you used on only one out of combat, stealth, and magic. Then during levels 11-20 you can start developing two out of three and from level 21 onward you can develop all three.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 am

thanks, but isn't sneak is the most easiest skill to level up? shouldn't i put someting else instead?
and what should i wear, heavy or light armor ? :)
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WYatt REed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 am

and what should i wear, heavy or light armor ? :)

Heavy to start with, as that skill increases Endurance, which you need to increase as soon as possible. Your health increases are based on Endurance, so max health requires max Endurance before anything else. Your health keeps increasing after you max Endurance out, which is why early max is good.

Once you hit 100 Endurance, you can switch to Light Armor and build up Speed.

After a while, you'll have max defense (85) without any armor at all, just from enchantments on clothing, rings and amulets, and that's when you build up your mage skills at 100% effectiveness. You'll have used a lot of restoration in your melee phase, and other supporting spells for things you don't have as enchantments. Push it (Restoration) to 50 as early as possible, and you can get Fortify Magicka and use it to boost your custom spells. That could mean making it a major, your call.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 am

Heavy to start with, as that skill increases Endurance, which you need to increase as soon as possible. Your health increases are based on Endurance, so max health requires max Endurance before anything else. Your health keeps increasing after you max Endurance out, which is why early max is good.

Once you hit 100 Endurance, you can switch to Light Armor and build up Speed.

After a while, you'll have max defense (85) without any armor at all, just from enchantments on clothing, rings and amulets, and that's when you build up your mage skills at 100% effectiveness. You'll have used a lot of restoration in your melee phase, and other supporting spells for things you don't have as enchantments. Push it (Restoration) to 50 as early as possible, and you can get Fortify Magicka and use it to boost your custom spells. That could mean making it a major, your call.

Once you hit 100 Endurance though, there's not much left in the game world to do. By then, the playthrough is coming to an end.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:14 am

how much lvls it takes to lvl up the endurence to 100? i want to use sneak to
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 am

thanks, but isn't sneak is the most easiest skill to level up? shouldn't i put someting else instead?
and what should i wear, heavy or light armor ? :)

Yes, leave Sneak as a minor. I'd advocate leaving Destruciton in minors too, and making your Specialization Magic:

Major Skills: Blade, Block, Marksman, Mercantile, Mysticism, Restoration, Acrobatics

Start off with Marksman and wear heavy armor. Raise Endurance, Agility and Intelligence or Willpower. Train Armorer each level until it hits 50. Once Agility is maxxed start working on Blade and do Strength raises. Once Endurance is maxxed wear light armor and do Speed raises.

This plan will work for any race but obviously altmer or breton gets you the biggest magicka pools while breton gets you the best spell defense.

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:27 am

well thanks, but i'm preety sure that mercantile and acrobatics are useless
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 pm

well thanks, but i'm preety sure that mercantile and acrobatics are useless

I'd agree with you on mercantile. You will soon be rolling in gold. Acrobatics skill at 50 and higher though, is quite nice. I extensively use the dodge ability in melee combat, for my melee people, and it is also useful as an archer or thief, getting to higher perches...
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luke trodden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:59 pm

Quest and story wise you can do anything with any race / class / skill set.
If you just want 100 in everything again its possible luck will eat up points even with the right birth sign though.
But after going this route many times in game, I honestly say it bored the crap out of me.
So instead of leveling up all skills and stats if you're on pc just console command everything up to 100, as it will save you real time and you won't miss anything.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

well, from what i understand that the character i should play with :

Race: Breton
Birthsing: Mage
Favored Attributes: Strength and Endurance
Specialization: warrior

Major skills:
1. Blade
2. Block
3. Destruction
4. Illusion
5. Marksman
6. Restoration / Alteration
7. Acrobatics

after i created my character i should lvl up only of the major skills until lvl 20 (blade, destruction , illusion, restoration/alteration) and to wear heavy armor until i max my Endurance? but than how my character can use sneak attacks if he wears an heavy armor ?
this all thing is really confusing....
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:19 am

The game requires a lot of time just to learn to play, take it slow and play a bit first.
Use this Topic thread to ask questions when they arise, so any answers you recieve will be on point.

Heavy armour has no effect on sneak, only heavy boots or any boots for that matter until a sneak skill of 50, so wear what you like.
Armour will have an effect on magic, the more you wear the worse your spells will be.
Look in the magic menu it will give you a percentage strength of spell power.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 am

k thanks :)
didnt know that so hard ...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:37 am

how much lvls it takes to lvl up the endurence to 100? i want to use sneak to

10 - 14 if you do it right

It takes a while of doing it before you get the hang of it

this may help
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:23 am

I do this most of the time, what I do is pick my favorite skill for each attribute.

Birthsign: Atronach
Specialty: Combat
Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Skills: Alteration, Athletics, Armorer, Blunt, Conjuration, Marksmen, Mercantile
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

well thanks, but i'm preety sure that mercantile and acrobatics are useless

You do realize that the character levels up by getting 10 skill-ups in your majors?

The build that Ramara gave you is a very good build to slow down your levelling. Many, many Oblivion players use skills like Marksman, Speechcraft, Acrobatics, Alteration, Mysticism, and the oppsite armor to the one they wear because they deliberately want to slow down their levelling.

These days I almost never use a 'jack of all trades' character. The main reason is actually the Abomb bug. Unfortunately Oblivion starts to have a 'slow down of animation' around 200 - 300 hours into a character. Not everybody encounters it, but it is common. And unless you are on PC there is very little you can do about it. A hybrid build for me would last me 500 hours of gaming, something that will most likely encounter the Abomb.

It is better to build characters that do bits and pieces of all the countless quests. Unless you are planing to have the game finished in 100 hours, of course. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 am

Build a character with major skills as none of the skills you normally use. That allows the maximum control of leveling.

Focus on getting skills to 25. Majors start there so no problem. For majors, focus on using them simply to level, especially Endurance (i.e., if you put Heavy Armor as a major, simply use it to level and get +5 in Endurance, once you get Armorer and Block [minors] to 25).

Once most skills (or all) are at least 25, focus on getting a couple of the most important (the ones you use) to 50.

After 50, focus on 75. Once you have commonly used skills at 75, that's about it. You should be very safe unless you get really careless. From 75-100, you can develop at your leisure, pretty much.

For the first 10 levels or so, always focus on Endurance until it hits 100 (always get +5 for Endurance).

You may also want to use a 5-5-1 approach and put a point in Luck.

Note: if you want to develop Luck and use a 5-5-1 approach, you do NOT need to do 5-5-1 for the first few levels. You can use 5-5-5 to develop other stats for several levels (maybe 4-6 depending on your major skill build, race, and specialization). You can do the math to determine how many levels, maximum, you can possibly level based on the starting point of your major skills. You can also do the math to see how many levels you need to get Luck to 100 (if you want to do that).
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