Before all,thanks for all the work you did, fallout games are great and offer tremendous freedom.However, due to this great freedom, there are sometimes bugs in scripts, that make some quests impossible to realize.
Here is the point.I would like to talk you about the good ending of the followers of apopalypse.This is apparently the official ending as we still hear about them in fallout new vegas.
This end is imposibble to get in fallout 1,even if the player helps the razors in the bone yard.
It is also impossible to get the good ending of the hub,where harold helps for a truce between ghouls and humans.
Those two bugs spoil a little the pleasure and i would really be grateful(and i think many others players too) if they were one day fixed.
Many modders tried to fix it, but failed, saying that "this is about scripts, and scripts are not easy to access"
Fallout 2 seems to have been much more easier to patch as killaps nearly fixed all quests bugs(glory to him)
Thanks for reading me, hoping you will have a bit of time to read this ,and may be patch fallout 1(i know developers are very busy)