recently, I thought of giving Oblivion another go (since it's been a looooong time I last played it), happily grabbed to dvd and put it into my pc. For a mysterious reason, the disk could not be read and you might have already guessed it, my dvd is totally screwed. Scratches everywhere. So I thought about getting a new copy and since I never played SI, I thought I might aswell get the goty version. So far, so good, the thing is just I'd rather not buy it in stores around here, because I'm german and the german syncronisation is REALLY horrible. It's also not really cool to mix english mods and the german version. I wanted to buy the goty version over the website I get referred to by the official elder scrolls site, but they still charge the full 50$ for the game and I'm not really willing to pay that much...unfortunately, I'm not really into online retailers, especially not those who also ship games to germany

tl;dr version: Where can I get an english copy of the Oblivion goty edition for a reasonable price (preferably with shipment to germany)?
Thanks for your help, I really appriciate it