Help with oblivion please?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:00 am

So I finally decided to give oblivion a second try. And I decided to make a character focusing on using stealth/poison/blades.
Here is my character:
Race: Argonian
Birthsign: The Serpent
Attributes: Speed, Agility
Skills: Alchemy, Athletics, Blade, Block, Destruction, Illusion, Sneak

As for going without security skill, I just pickpocket the key from shop owners and barge in at night.

So my question is what exactly should I do? My goal is to make a lot of good poisons. Get 100% chameleon. And also, should I get 100% chameleon, or some invisibility spell?
As for 100% chameleon, should I get the BEST armor for my character first? and then enchant it?
And what would be best armor for my character?
I already joined the mage guild.

thanks :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:44 am

Get 100% chameleon. And also, should I get 100% chameleon, or some invisibility spell?

Given your near-fetish with stealth (no offense intended, mind you, but you do seem quite attached to it. And there's not a thing wrong with that. :) ) chameleon is the way to go. Even in spell form, chameleon only wears off when the spell effect timer runs out. Invisibility stops whenever you pick up or open an object or door, or attack anything.

As for 100% chameleon, should I get the BEST armor for my character first? and then enchant it?
And what would be best armor for my character?

Armor? With 100% chameleon on gear, you're effectively fully invisible all the time. Enchant some normal clothing and save the weight (Personal faves- Dark Shirt, Blacksmith pants, Gold-trimmed shoes: full black outfit), use whatever light armor you think looks cool, or enchant a set of heavy Daedric armor to look Uber King Badass. :D (Although with any sort of Heavy armor, until you get 50 stealth critters might detect you based on sound- taking off your boots or wearing normal shoes until that point solves that pretty much.)
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 pm

...So my question is what exactly should I do? My goal is to make a lot of good poisons. Get 100% chameleon. And also, should I get 100% chameleon, or some invisibility spell?
As for 100% chameleon, should I get the BEST armor for my character first? and then enchant it?

The actual answer to "So my question is what exactly should I do?" is really just do what feels right for that character. One of the main things that makes this game different from most others is that you are not forced down any particular path.

You might want to consider joining the thieves guild. How do do that might be a spoiler so I won't post. You can look it up on the wiki if you want.

I recommend agains 100% chameleon with enchantments. It could remove all challenge and fun from the game.

Also your character build looks like you might increase levels too fast, and so become weaker as you level up. You might want to consider moving Alchemy and Sneak to minors.
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm

I recommend agains 100% chameleon with enchantments. It could remove all challenge and fun from the game. And you can only enchant with chameleon using Sigil stones.

Oopsy. Not true according to All of the peices in Angel's 120% chameleon outfit are Grand Soul Gem powered. She would not use this outfit in a fight but she sometimes uses it to avoi a fight. She really is quite a gentle soul and does not relish killing humans, mer, and forest creatures.
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 pm

Oopsy. Not true according to All of the peices in Angel's 120% chameleon outfit are Grand Soul Gem powered. She would not use this outfit in a fight but she sometimes uses it to avoi a fight. She really is quite a gentle soul and does not relish killing humans, mer, and forest creatures.

what exactly should I do to get the chameleon and make the poison? mage guild?
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:04 am

Yes, Mage's Guild is needed in Oblivion simply to enchant your own stuff or make your own spells.

Also, even if you do not use Chameleon, Invisibilty works just fine by continually casting it. If you are doing stealth, you can cast it, attack, cast again, attack, etc. It's MUCH cheaper than Chameleon, so it's more useful at lower levels (and still useful at high levels, too, of course). It's your call, though, as you point out.
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 pm

Replace alchemy with light armour. As a rule alchemy can level you far too fast, leaving you facing overpowering enemies whilst your other skills such as blade are too underpowered to effectively help you. The light armour's just there because invariably at some point whilst trying to sneak kill someone, you'll be cuaght out, and you'll want the extra protection it affords.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:18 am

You might want to replace The Serpent with The Thief or The Mage. From my experience, The Serpent is a lousy birthsign.
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