enchanting weapons, armors, jewelry, custom spells?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 pm

Sorry if there is a topic like this, i searched through 3 pages and only found a few threads that would even partly have the info this one will, that is if people post with info on the subject.

What do you guys like to enchant your armors and jewelry with? Ive noticed you need to be able to use the spell, to even get that effect on enchanted items.

first off, I enchant two rings and a necklace with feather, so now my character has about 455 feathers of items he can carry.

So far out of the armor i have enchanted an elven shield with (shield 10% on self)

Also what enchantmets do you like on your bows, blades, hammers, and axes? what spells do you need to accomplish the mod you desire on your weapons?
I will tell you my favorite enchanted weapon so far. I took a dwarven longsword and enchanted it with (i think around 6-8 points of drain health) might be wrong on the numbers, i don't remember exactly though. anyways i named this dwarven longsword "vlads tooth"

if I'm using a bow, I would enchant the bow with weakness to poison and weakness to fire. have not tried that yet, because i cannot use weakness to poison or fire yet, the magic skill is too low right now. then use a poison that has damage health, firedamage etc BIG DAMAGE especialy if you are hidden, its kind of overkill.

also what do you name your enchanted weapons, armors, and jewelry?

Also for custom spells, if you have high destruction skill make a spell with weakness to lightning and lightning damage with equal effect area 0, duration 1. maybe make one for each element incase i find a monster weak to a different element.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:36 am

on my weapons I usually have 'soul trap for 2 secs, Shock damage 33 points, burden 100 points for 3 seconds' which usually works well. I usually don't enchant armour but I have enchanted tan robes, tan hood and sandals with protect (which gives a better armour rating than most armour anyway ^_^ ) Necklace enchanted with resist disease, therefore making my Argonian 110% immune to disease. :turtle:
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 pm

Bow - 'Slayer' - Drain Speed 100x1sec + soul trapx1sec + elemental damage to taste.

Rings: All named 'Utility Ring of xxxx' so they are neatly kept together in my character's inventory, and don't get mixed in with her shoes and dresses. Night eye, light, water walk, water breathe.

All other apparel: Unenchanted because my char changes outfits way too often to be bothered trying to enchant a huge pile of clothes.

Misc: A zero weight mages hood of frost to keep venison fresh (and kill people in their sleep of course).

Unique or pre-enchanted items: Azura's Star.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 am

Bow - 'Slayer' - Drain Speed 100x1sec + soul trapx1sec + elemental damage to taste.

Rings: All named 'Utility Ring of xxxx' so they are neatly kept together in my character's inventory, and don't get mixed in with her shoes and dresses. Night eye, light, water walk, water breathe.

All other apparel: Unenchanted because my char changes outfits way too often to be bothered trying to enchant a huge pile of clothes.

Misc: A zero weight mages hood of frost to keep venison fresh (and kill people in their sleep of course).

Unique or pre-enchanted items: Azura's Star.


Just wondering Acadian, what type of poisons do you brew?
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:22 am

I mostly use sigil stones to enchant my apparel, otherwise I use top tier random loot I find. Usually resist magic or fortify magicka. The only exception might be enchanting a head piece with 40ft of light. Although you have to be careful with enchanting a head piece with light. If you have it equipped and then load a game where it wasn't equipped, the saved game will load with the item on the head, but without the enchantment effect active. Then as soon as you equip it, the game crashes. The only way I've found to avoid a crash after the item is on the head, when it shouldn't have been, is to quit to the title screen and load the save from there. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any fixes for that bug other than a way to avoid a crash as I've already pointed out.

For weapon enchants, I usually enchant both a bow and a blade with soul trap 2s, 25 shock damage 1s, weakness to shock 2s, weakness to magic 2s. Most of the time a daedric or ebony bow and daedric shortsword or madness longsword. I also have some favorite gear from mods that I like enchanting with these spell effects (refer to my sig).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 pm

Lower levels: rings, amulets/necklaces, circlets with elemental shielding and fortify strength (plus outfits, of course). Hey they're weak li'l fairies, and they need a boost to carry all that stuff to sell! :P They enchant bows with different effects, but all of them actually prefers to use the Elven "Winged" Longbow and usually do not enchant it.

Mid to high levels: See above but more powerful, at least until she makes Chameleon outfits. Plus Detect Life and Light from Sigil Stones. By the time they are around level 17-20 and have finished Kvatch, they're more or less invulnerable except to stuff that reflects spells. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 pm

In my newest playthrough, I haven't gotten all my MG recommendations yet, but I'm planning to enchant clothing/robes/whatever with Protect so I don't have to wear armor. I picked up a black robe that doesn't weigh anything (I forget where but it was looted from an enemy) and figure that will do nicely. Feather accessories will also work. Weapons - eh, usually something incorporating Soul Trap and some sort of damage-boosting enchantment (preferably from Wounds, so that it'll injure enemies who are immune to any of the various elemental magics). It's odd that headgear seems uncommon apart from mages' hoods and armor helmets; you'd think there would be some sort of hats out there.

Oh yeah, I also want to make some sort of ridiculously effective Chameleon thing - probably a ring of course. Wonder if there's a way to encorporate a Charm/Enchantment effect to get the One Ring effect, or if that spell only works as a spell.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:57 am

Just wondering Acadian, what type of poisons do you brew?

Hmm, just looked in Buffy's inventory:
- Lots of simple damage health poisons - simple and easy to make lots of them.
- Some shock damage + damage health ones.
- A few of these: Paralize + damage health + damage magicka + silence + frost damage
- A few of these: Silence + damage health + frost damage + fire damage - her fave when it really counts. Hard to make though.
- Some damage speed poisons.
- Some damage strength poisons.

Here is the main place we go for recipes: http://www.uesp.net/oblivion/alchemy/alc_calc.php

She quite likes using weakness to poison spells too.

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