Once such resource is the Falmer "Sila" Hammer I made. It was intended for the Shrine of Falzan, but as I have already released previous Sila/Falmer weapon resources that were intended only for The Neverhalls, The Forgottenhalls of the fore mentioned Shrine of Falzan, I thought it only fair to release some of the other resources I had made.
This mod, is a a modders reasource. As such there is no ESP
you will have to assign the weapon yourself in the CS.
It contains one Mesh and the required texturesfor a Falmer "Sila" Hammer.
you will have to assign the weapon yourself in the CS.
It contains one Mesh and the required texturesfor a Falmer "Sila" Hammer.
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9520from PES
http://download.fliggerty.com/download-118-658 from GHF