If you are interested in the files, they can be found http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27082. I can't promise it works, but as I lost the files last time, I though I better upload them somewhere this time.

The core is done, give or take. Transforming works fine, infecting works fine etc.
The infection method is attacking. However, due to the huge attack bonuses you get as a werewolf there is a button to lower attack damage (so you can infect people under level 25).
You can also feed on dead NPCs as a quick way to restore health, however, you can't do it in combat.
All of your pack will help defend you when you are under attack, even if they are not following you at the time
When infecting them, within the three day period between infection and them becoming a werewolf there is a chance they will be cured, not cope with the change and go crazy or be killed. Most of these chanced are quadratic formula based on the players level. It does mean that a werewolf at level one has no chance of infecting anyone, but at level 50 you should be able to infect almost anyone in the game.
Compatibility wise, it shouldn't conflict with any werewolf mod, although there may be issues with VE and Werewolf infection being used at the same time.