I would like to base my character off Mat Cauthon from Wheel of Time (favorite character). He is a very lucky rogue/charmer type character.
>> Here is a good pic of him: http://bp1.blogger.com/_QalxyuibvXg/SHFYcD9mCNI/AAAAAAAAAoE/zL8ZH4ReMqI/s1600-h/mat_saliba_03.jpg
Im just looking for some advice/help to make a character as a close as possible to Mat Cauthon
I would figure max out Luck as much as I can, so give him Thief birthsign.
He fights with a spear-like weapon with a blade on top, so make him proficient with spears? or what?
Make him a breton (because they have resist magic--Mat Cauthon resists magic)?
Or Imperial (they have Voice of Emperor Charm, and Mat Cauthon has high charisma)?
can i get clothing that suits him? (mods?)
any other ideas?
appreciate any help/ideas