Does anyone else feel like punching a wall when they see some Call of Duty addict say the want ESV to be like rune scape and WoW. I was on the Xbox dashboard and I noticed IGN's winning idea was for it to be a mass multilayer MMORPG. Then there are people wanting guns. Then people who just think none Tes things would 'fit' in.
I might not have shared this in the most clearest fashion but does anyone else worry that mainstream gamers who will play the game for 10 minutes then can it while we play there idiotic ideas for another 5 years? :brokencomputer:
I might not have shared this in the most clearest fashion but does anyone else worry that mainstream gamers who will play the game for 10 minutes then can it while we play there idiotic ideas for another 5 years? :brokencomputer:
IGN in their report: Mention nothing about this.
Never trust Dashboards. Ever.
"Mainstream" gamers is not only how we all started out somewhere along the road (thus its fruitless and in poor taste to act like we didn't all start playing pong, pac-man, mario, sonic, etc.)... it's how game companies get paid.
More importantly, you get one guy out of Halo and into The Elder Scrolls, you've done the world a service.
It happened to me in 2002/03. It will happen to others.
I'd really ask all the members of the community NOT to stoop to the casual v.s. loyalist mindset. It only shames the community at large.
Bethesda has yet to disappoint en masse with a TES game.