Abomb fix Wyre Bash problem

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 am

Hey All,

new here, I just downloaded, installed Wyre Bash etc to fix the Abomb glitch. After alot of messing about, it finally fixed it,
but now I have an even worse problem:

All weapon and spell use is now super slow, of the same speeds as the Animation/Doors/Platform glitch speed.

Is there someway to fix this?

A secondary problem, is in the part of the game, where I have to get the different cities to give
support to Bruma. In the Cheydenhal oblivion gate trying to save Fahwil, the problem is
in the first tower, the switches (under the abomb glitch) won't open the gate, and when
the abomb is fixed, the gate will open, but now I'm defenceless because my weapons
and spells are far slower than the AI who all can bash me at normal speed.

Could anyone please point me to a solution to this problem. I'm sure others who
have had the Abomb problem had the same problem. I see no solution in Wyre Bash,
so I'm rather stumped and frustrated, after putting over 200 hrs into the game.



[EDIT] Worse than all that, after running Wyre Bash's Abomb fix, it has somehow
[censored] up every single save game file, so now they all show the very slow weapon use.
ie, it takes 5 seconds to draw my sword, and 5 seconds to swing it. FFS, this has
completely destroyed my game, and I'm desperate for a solution. :swear:
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

Hey All,

new here, I just downloaded, installed Wyre Bash etc to fix the Abomb glitch. After alot of messing about, it finally fixed it,
but now I have an even worse problem:

All weapon and spell use is now super slow, of the same speeds as the Animation/Doors/Platform glitch speed.

Is there someway to fix this?

A secondary problem, is in the part of the game, where I have to get the different cities to give
support to Bruma. In the Cheydenhal oblivion gate trying to save Fahwil, the problem is
in the first tower, the switches (under the abomb glitch) won't open the gate, and when
the abomb is fixed, the gate will open, but now I'm defenceless because my weapons
and spells are far slower than the AI who all can bash me at normal speed.

Could anyone please point me to a solution to this problem. I'm sure others who
have had the Abomb problem had the same problem. I see no solution in Wyre Bash,
so I'm rather stumped and frustrated, after putting over 200 hrs into the game.



[EDIT] Worse than all that, after running Wyre Bash's Abomb fix, it has somehow
[censored] up every single save game file, so now they all show the very slow weapon use.
ie, it takes 5 seconds to draw my sword, and 5 seconds to swing it. FFS, this has
completely destroyed my game, and I'm desperate for a solution. :swear:

This would probably get a better response in the Hardware/Software section of the forums...

Have you tried backing up your save games and reinstalling the game?
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J.P loves
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 am

Well since I'm new as I said, how do I know what's good for what?

Yes, I did do that but the backups are stuffed too... something has stuffed
up in the game, and I don't think it's the save files.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:41 am

Well since I'm new as I said, how do I know what's good for what?

This is The Elder Scrolls Series Discussion forum in which people talk about the series. You have a specific problem relating to Oblivion (which means you should have gone to the Oblivion forums first) and more specifically, you're having Hardware/Software issues so you should take this querry to the Oblivion Hardware and Software Issues sub-forum. Even if you're new you still should have figured that out.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:41 am

Well since I'm new as I said, how do I know what's good for what?

Yes, I did do that but the backups are stuffed too... something has stuffed
up in the game, and I don't think it's the save files.

#1. Not a problem, but now that you do know, send a mod a PM and ask them to move this for you.

#2. Did you fully remove the game (uninstall), reboot, and then install again?
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:08 am

[Sorry I just realised I'd reposted this topic in this forum]

No, I've not tried any uninstalls, all I did was do the Abomb fix with wyre bash,
and it stuffed up. Would reinstalling have an effect?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:36 am

[Sorry I just realised I'd reposted this topic in this forum]

No, I've not tried any uninstalls, all I did was do the Abomb fix with wyre bash,
and it stuffed up. Would reinstalling have an effect?

It is always a good place to start when the problem is affecting all of your save games. Just be sure to back up your save games first so that you can relocate them to the save game location after the reinstall.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

It is always a good place to start when the problem is affecting all of your save games. Just be sure to back up your save games first so that you can relocate them to the save game location after the reinstall.

Well, I just uninstalled, and reinstalled the game. I also uninstalled, and reinstalled Wyre Bash.

The problem is now worse, the Abomb is fixed, but now not only is my weapon use still super
slow, 3-5 seconds on current save game, but also on an old save game, an NPC is also
slow using her weapon (way back at save # 25). I also copied my backup save games over
the existing ones) and yet it still has this problem. WTF??? How can that be? New install,
Abomb fix, and all save games are stuffed, with or without the Abomb fix.

230+ hours of play, and it's stuffed, wish I'd not done the Abomb fix now. :swear:

I've read everything I can on the abomb since joining here, and I've never seen this problem mentioned.
Someone must've had it before, is there a fix????? :swear:

[EDIT] I forgot initially to add the shivering isles & knights of the nine disk install,
and was told by the game my masters didn't match or something. On Wyre Bash,
I listed the masters, and realised my mistakes, so I loaded masters (not knowing what
it was) and now (after installing the 2nd disk) all the save files are marked PINK!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 pm

Super Slow Weapons bug update:

Well, I just completely uninstalled Python, Wyre Bash, and Oblivion, rebooted, and reinstalled Oblivion,
then Python, then Wyre Bash. I also copied over my backup save games (still with Abomb bug), and
loaded Oblivion to see if it was back to normal with the normal weapon use, and Abomb bug.

Result: Abomb not present, and Super Slow weapons of 3-5s to swing sword or anything else.

This is before Wyre Bash is used to fix the Abomb. A Completely new install. I even deleted
everything from the Games\Oblivion folder, and everything from the mydoc/mygames/oblvion folders
except the backup saves folder. So it's a completely new install, yet it STILL has this horridly
slow weapon use.

It first showed up after fixing the Abomb, now it doesn't matter if Abomb is there or not, I'm now
stuck with unusable weapons, and the game is completely unplayable after 230+ hours.

Someone must have seen this before! Anyone???? HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :swear:

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 pm

I apologize for not haven't read this thread in its entirety, and thus probably missing some important data. From what I gather, you were hit by the a-bomb and "fixed" it via Wrye-Bash, which seems to have borked the game? You say you totally re-installed Oblivion and your utilities and the problem still exists? Can I assume this means it exists with a combination of your new install and the saves from your previous install? In other words you are NOT talking about starting the game afresh but continuing on from where you were before?

I ask this because I wonder if you have tried OAF (Oblivion Animation Fixer). I use it rather than the utility in Wrye-Bash to fix my a-bomb episodes. Works great for me. If you have a SAVE made just a bit before using the Wrye-Bash utility, load it and play until the a-bomb strikes again (if it hasn't already), then try OAF on that save and see if you have better luck.

(Sort for no link, but it's easily found at Nexus.)

Good luck in any case!

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:32 am

I apologize for not haven't read this thread in its entirety, and thus probably missing some important data. From what I gather, you were hit by the a-bomb and "fixed" it via Wrye-Bash, which seems to have borked the game? You say you totally re-installed Oblivion and your utilities and the problem still exists? Can I assume this means it exists with a combination of your new install and the saves from your previous install? In other words you are NOT talking about starting the new afresh but continuing on from where you were before?

I ask this because I wonder if you have tried OAF (Oblivion Animation Fixer). I use it rather that the utility in Wrye-Bash to fix my a-bomb episodes. Works great for me. If you have a SAVE made just a bit before using the Wrye-Bash utility, load it and play until the a-bomb strikes again (if it hasn't already), then try OAF on that save and see if you have better luck.

(Sort for no link, but it's easily found at Nexus.)

Good luck in any case!



Yes, I not talking about starting a new game. I did all the above, then copied my old saves from backup into the saves folder, and before
trying to fix the abomb problem, ran the game, and tried saves from the latest to the earliest, and they all show the super slow
weapon use.

On top of the slow weapon use, there is another effect I noticed. It takes a moment to move whether u are on the horse, or not. ie it takes
abuot 1-1.5 seconds after you press Up Arrow, before you move.

Obviously, the issue is not in the saves, and I don't think it is related to the Abomb, even though it showed up right after
first using OAF (where I first had the sword issue). I then deleted saves, made fresh copy, and hunted for Wyre Bash.
After working that out, and fixing just one file, the same problem emerged (Super slow weapons n delayed moving)
no matter what save was used.

So, now I'm thinking there's an issue elsewhere. I did hear someone make mention of " Clearing the Cache"
but I have no idea how to do that. I have NO MODS installed, it's a stock standard version of the game patched to 2.0416, with the
Knights of the Nine, and the Shivering Isles add ons. This whole problem emerged shortly after leaving the Shivering Isles after
completing those quests.

Any advice or fixes, or suggestions greatly appreciated


[EDIT] I also checked it by removing the USB plug to my Logitech G20 Wheel, thinking it might be causing it,
because of the slow movement problem. But doing so had no effect at all. I also tried setting bUseJoystick=1 to 0,
but that had no effect also. I have made NO changes to Oblivion.ini or any other changes to the standard game
other than those mentioned.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:10 am

So I guess I'm not going to get any help on this issue.

Well that's it for Bethseda games for me, the idea of buying another
unfinishable game from them turns my stomach. There is no point
restarting, as I know the same problem will just remerge.

Thanks Bethseda grrrrrrrrrrrr
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 am

So I guess I'm not going to get any help on this issue.

Well that's it for Bethseda games for me, the idea of buying another
unfinishable game from them turns my stomach. There is no point
restarting, as I know the same problem will just remerge.

Thanks Bethseda grrrrrrrrrrrr

Have you created a brand new game since the reinstall? If the problem persists on a new game you have a major issue, if the problem does not persist then you may have made an incorrect change with Wyre Bash that affected the entire system.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 pm

Have you read http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/561101-unofficial-technical-faq/page__p__9271517&#entry9271517? Might have some solutions
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:21 am

Yes, I have read that link, and the game was fully reinstalled.

I think, you are all thinking this is an ABomb issue, it's not.

It originated from the abomb, but it's not the cause.

Why? Because the problem of SUPER SLOW WEAPONS (3-5 secs per swing)
showed up when I had the abomb issue, I had a problem completing a quest because
of it. This is where the problem emerged, as I tried to fix the abomb, and this issue surfaced.

HOWEVER; after totally reinstalling and restarting game, on save files BEFORE the abomb hit,
and without FIXING ANY saves, I still had this SUPER SLOW WEAPONS.

The subject is wrong really, it should be Super Slow Weapon bug, but I knew less then.

I think this is a new bug.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Here's a shot in the dark.

Try renaming or deleting the oblivion.ini file (...\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini)
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