First of all,
Or, to put it short and simple, console/PC wars have nothing to do with PC users modding the game. Like all arguments, it is because people are stupid and/or jerks.
this man speak the truth.
As for mods, mods = customization. Betheda's games are perfect games for me, because i can use mods to change things i don't like. If i couldn't mod Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, i wouldn't be playing them anymore. Oblivion's level scaling was stupid to put it bluntly, so very Broken Steel broke Fallout 3 utterly, if i didn't have mods to undo those ...uh, "decisions" :unsure: i would not have played them nearly as much as i have.
I've no doubt Skyrim will have some gameplay mechanic i'll not agree with, and thus it would be nice to know it can be changed. Not to mention truckload bugs, most of which will not be resolved with official patches. But moddability of Bethesda's games makes both of those less of an issue than with unmoddable games.