:swear: :violin: Hi i purchased my copy of Oblivion a long time ago and i paid around 50 dollars for the game, (big morrowind fan) and of course i bought all of the expansions that i wanted and i had all of them and some of the item purchases but that was a year ago and now i had lost my game so i went gamestop yesterday to buy myself another copy of the game and i bought the platimum hits and i did not know that it was uncompatible with my expansion packs since when my xbox system updated itself, it said that the items from the expansion packs will be missing content from the game and since my xbox live membership expired i can't access xbox live but this is bee es, can anyone tell me why my paid for content is no longer available!? I am very upset and i can't play the game if the new content is missing . :nono: :deal: