Vault 118 Pt.2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:32 am

Alright. Current status of the residents

Max: Healthy
Zalphon: Eaten by a deathclaw while wandering around the construction site.
James: Healthy
Everyone else is basically HEALTHY

So lets continue from here.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:55 pm

Zalphon: Eaten by a deathclaw while wandering around the construction site.

((OOC: :rofl:))

Alex waited as Max was putting on the helmet. Dornan was giving a look at Max, a grin of sorts, as a way of saying 'I told ya so!'.

He could still feel the pain from getting whacked with a police baton. Making him wonder why did the Overseer even have to hit him in the first place. As Alex was waiting for Max to finish his argument with Dornan, he thought to himself.

"I can't believe what's going on. First we go outside, next thing there's a mutant attacking us, and now the Overseer seems to know everything before everyone else? How does he even plan on protecting us when all we have are pistols? The bastard doesn't have a clue how to run a vault, so how on earth can he try to build a city in a barren wasteland?"

((OOC: Not much to post, but i'm just breaking the ice so everyone else will start posting again. :P))
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:12 am

James woke from his sleep, sighed, and put his Utility Jumpsuit on and his 10mm pistol inside. He walked over the cafeteria, which was rather surprisingly empty.

He shrugged, and ordered the daily special from the chef, and sat down at the table, alone. "Sigh."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 pm

Max pulled the helmet away from his head, shaking it slowly.

"No... I know what most of this will be. People dying, and what not. I intend to go out.. find the truth." Max said quietly, standing and looking at Dornan and Alex.

"Gentlemen. I shall now take my leave." he said before exiting the room, heading to his own.

Alright. I wont post much until Dornan and everyone else gets out of the Overseers little security room. Once that is done... ehehehehe >:) ))
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 pm

((I guess I control the chef?))

The chef looked at James, and at his gun, "Woah, nice peice ya' got there.", he then says in a sarcastic voice, "Aah, don't shoooot! Heheh... Anyway, one...Stuff...Coming up... I'm sorry if this thing is nasty, first one of the waiters dosen't show up, now Jack's gone, and I burnt my hand, but when I went to the doctor, he was gone, too!...".

He finished it and hands it to him.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:52 pm

Since the rp seems to be slightly dying, im going to do something slightly insane that will hopefully kick it back up.PLEASE FORGIVE ME! ))

Later that night, a fully armored Vault-tec officer walked through the halls of Vault 118, a visor hiding his face. What appeared to be some sort of assault rifle was strapped across his body, it moving slightly as he walked.

The intercom,which seemed to have turned on about two or three minutes ago, suddenly began to emit a voice.

"Attention vault 118... mainly, Alex, James, father, and Overseer Dornan... it has come to my attention, that the wasteland may have other survivors. Now, as we all know, the Wasteland is going to indeed have its dangers that we must overcome. However, how are we to do so if we dont know what we are facing."

"The Overseer is to worried about you all knowing to much, and wanting to stay down here. As much as I can understand that fear, I would rather all of you knew what it was you were dealing with, instead of hide until it finally came and wiped us off... I shall be leaving the Vault on this night, to do just that, and wish that none of you follow me."

"The trip will be dangerous, and chances are I WILL be hunted for doing this.. father, I want you to stay here. There are many people that will need your help soon enough."

Security officers pushed by the masked one, laser weapons drawn.

"He's in the office!" one man shouted, the officers turning to retrieve Max.

"And as for Dornan.. if you truly believe the wasteland is to dangerous, then I see no reason for you to go after me. For if it is so, I will be dead in less then a week.. and if not, I will return to you all, with a nicely filled report."

The officers rushed toward the door to the com-room, it locked tightly.

"Blast that door!" One of the officers said, another nodding before shooting the lock off with there laser pistol. They quickly bursted into the room, no sign of anyone speaking on the Intercom... yet, the voice could still be heard emitting from it.

"And finally, James... I am hoping you can keep this vault in good shape while I am gone. Despite your little.. deception toward us, I trust you WILL do the right thing."

The visor-wearing officer exited the vault, walking through the incomplete colony, heading up a hill.

"Now... without further word..."

One of the vault-officers approached the intercom, noticing something strange about it... was that tape wrapped near the mic? He slowly began to peel it off, a holo-recorder now visible, and one final word emitting from it.


After being about a mile away from the colony, the visor-wearing officer pulled off the helmet, blue eyes and black hair visible on his face. He took one final glance back at the colony, at the vault before turning and beginning to walk further away.

James, keep my father safe... keep them all safe.
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