Greetings, my fellow Oblivion community members! I've been absent from the game for a bit, but I think it's time for me to come back and dust the cobwebs off of my Oblivion disk!
I think a good way to become familiar with the modding community again is to update and overhaul my list of Ayleid mods. I'm sure it's very outdated by now, so I'd like to request some help from the my friendly modding pals in getting it up and running once more!
Unfortunately, the old thread got tossed to the paper shredder so to speak because I left it dormant for too long. That means I'll just have to start from scratch. I plan on browsing The Elder Scrolls Nexus and Planet Elder Scrolls to find all of the old mods and any new ones I'll need to add. Along with that, I will scan the forum pages and keep track of any work in progress or release threads dealing with the topic at hand.
Once I have a good chunk of the research done, I'll compile my findings into a new, easier to use list for all of you Ayleid enthusiasts to refer to! Jack's List of Ayleid Mods 2.0 will also have a downloadable Microsoft Word document for those of you who will want a safe copy in case something should happen to the thread.
EDIT: I've just discovered that someone archived an! That certainly takes a bit of a load off of the search!
If any Ayleid-related mods come to mind, don't hesitate to post them here! Just include the names and the links and I will investigate them. Thank you all for your help!
Visit this thread every now and again for updates on the progress!