For my project, Losing my Religion, I have to make a compatibility patch with Knights of the Nine. I do not have KOTN, and I do not plan on buying it either.
What the patch would do, is simply making the visual changes I did to the Chapel of Dibella work with the ruined verison of KOTN. I also have new NPCs I'd put dead inside the chapel.
Now here comes my question. Is it possible, without having the official DLC, to call script variables of that DLC without having it activated in the CS?
What I mean, is that I want to use KOTN's variable that destroys and then restores back the chapel of Dibella. And then put that variable inside a script I write that is attached to Losing My Religion's objects and actors.
I guess it is not possible only with the CS. Would it be possible with something like TES4Edit?