Third person and inventory: http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv257/Kaljaveikko/skel1.jpg?t=1269292992
First person view 1: http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv257/Kaljaveikko/skel2.jpg?t=1269293090
First person view 2: http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv257/Kaljaveikko/skel3.jpg?t=1269293168
And this one just for fun, poor Jiub

(not in the actual mod)
2 Lich robes:
Bags o´Bones by Fallen one
This plugin adds the original MW skeleton creature as a functional, playable race.
You can choose 2 different skull heads, with and without the jawbone, both based on the vanilla skel head.
The skeleton race might be challenging to play as a melee character becouse of its weak attributes and it doesn't receive
any skill bonuses. Instead added a couple nice abilities and a spell to start with (hopefully not too unbalanced)
Str: 30
Int: 40
Wil: 60
Agi: 30
Spd: 25
End: 40
Per: 20
Luc: 40
Skill bonuses:
Ability: Lichcraft (Fortify maximum magicka 2.0x INT)
Ability: Regeneration (Restore magicka 5pts)
Spell: Devour (Absorb health 10 to 15pts in 1ft on touch)
*Both genders are identical.
*The esp. file has been cleaned with Testool.
Just drag and drop the Data Files folder to you'r Morrowind main folder, then activate clean Bags o´Bones.esp
from Morrowind launcher. Note that this doesn't include any textures as they are all vanilla Morrowind ones.
Change log v1.1
- Fixed a clipping issue on the skeleton chest mesh, it now works like a charm when wearing clothes
Lich robes addon
Now you can dress up your skeleton as a lich!
Made two wearable lich robes, based on the Tribunal lich creature. The robes are located in Samarys ancestral tomb
(the tomb in Bitter coast)
You'll need tribunal installed as the robe textures are all vanilla.
I also suggest using Morrowind code patch, becouse otherwise the alpha channeled robes look like crap on inventory screen.
*Bethesda, for the skeleton model
*Me, for making it playable

Download at PES: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8335