» Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:07 pm
Don't like kill cams?! I was hugely wary of them when I first heard about them because of how annoying VATS was in Fallout, but I think that they've just about perfected them this time around.
What I would ideally like to see, since the entire landmass of Morrowind (not just Vvardenfell) is already in the game world of Skyrim, along with Cyrodiil, is a DLC/expansion that opens up that whole country with gameplay and quests, etc. etc.
Nah, it's not that I don't like them, it's just that I don't love em either. I'm neutral, they don't bother me, but I wouldn't care much if they weren't around either.

As for Morrowind and Cyrodiil, landmass does not in fact exist, it's only the LOD. Try going there and walk over it, you'll fall through the ground soon after you start walking over untextured part of it and realise that actual land is waaay down, beneath the water even. But I'm sure modders will remake these places.

Remember that skyrim was waaaay more succesful in sales than morrowind so its likely that a remake would inherit things from it, like levelled items, no classes, no levitation, chesty argonian, radiant quests. Many morrowind fans dislike these things, so it will be very difficult to make a game that appeals to both morrowind and skyrim fans and that sells well. I think a completely new game is a much safer and appealing choice.
I'll tell you what someone told me few days ago- don't speak for Morrowind fans.

I'm a complete Morrowind fan boy, and I think lack of classes is not necessary bad (though they still didn't make it quite well), but in a game where things get as good as you use them no class system could potentially work a lot better than having classes. It was only kinda limiting withou giving any
actual bonuses regarding those classes. Now, if you'd get passive abilities and whatnot based on a class you picked while you level up, then it would make sense. At least that's what I think.
No levitation is game a thing of game mechanics. It could be done, it would just be a bit costy for older computers. Basically the only reason games after Morrowind have none is because cities are in different cells. Also I think no levitation is better because you can easily seal off areas that should be hard to get to. With levitation around such area does not exist.
I think radiant quests are good in theory, the only problem is that bethesda did a crappy job with them. I'll agree that if they were to make a remake, they would probably do a crappy job with them in Morrowind as well. But in theory, they are great. I'd also like to see some randomization, which Skyrim's CK now offers and is easy to make. Random stuff such as having a few different cells that one could enter when going into a specific cave. So different people will enter a different place. Not sure if that makes sense to you as it does to me though.

Something like Diablo style random maps and caves.
Leveled items are not such a bad thing in theory, but as much as with radiant quests - Bethesda does a crappy job with them. I think they are great to be around because it offers a tool for modders to work with. Don't forget that leveled items are in Morrowind as well, but work as randomizers of items in a container rather than as level restrictions.
Not sure what chesty argonians mean, but I do dislike human-like beast racers, I'd rather see em walk and move like beasts again. I think they scrapped that off because of clothing and armor was clipping too much or something. But if they'd bother enough I'm sure it could be solved by simply making a different appearance for them when they equip stuff the same way males and females have different chest pieces depending on who equips what.
EDIT: what the hell happened to the text??