infinite soulgem

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

im trying to make a azura star type gem that can be used again and again and retain its soul level
i dont think it can be done with current settings but i hope via script its possible if it is please post the script
ill be very grateful
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:42 am

Do you mean a Grand soul gem that always comes back after you use it? Or would it require a check that determines what soul it was before you used it?

This quest script will give you a Grand Soul gem with a grand soul in it each time you have 0 in your inventory. The script will have to be set as a Quest script and attached to a new quest that runs from the start.
float fQuestDelayTimeBegin GameMode     set fquestdelaytime to 0.1     if Player.GetItemCount 000382DF == 0 ;You could replace the ID here and below with a custom one if you wanted your own custom soul gem to be used.          Player.AddItem 000382DF 1     endifEnd

Is this what you mean? Or something else?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:10 pm

You should never use an object's FormID in a script. :nono: (come on Filly, you know this :P ) Use the EditorID instead. So the script should look like this:

scn ScriptNameHerefloat fQuestDelayTimeBegin GameMode     set fquestdelaytime to 0.1     if Player.GetItemCount SoulGem5Grand5GrandSoul == 0 ;You could replace the ID here and below with a custom one if you wanted your own custom soul gem to be used.          Player.AddItem SoulGem5Grand5GrandSoul 1     endifEnd

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 am

You should never use an object's FormID in a script. :nono: (come on Filly, you know this :P ) Use the EditorID instead.

Actually I didn't know that. I've always used FormID, but I'll change it now if it causes problems. Does it cause bugs?

Also, maybe using Begin MenuMode might be better (if possible) so the soulgem is added while in the menu so you don't have to keep going in and out of the inventory.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:45 am

Given that Azura's Star already exists, why would anyone need a second one? The only "improvement" I could see any call for is a reusable Black Soul Gem, and I think I prefer the current system of Black Soul gems being perishable and hard to make.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:29 am

Given that Azura's Star already exists, why would anyone need a second one? The only "improvement" I could see any call for is a reusable Black Soul Gem, and I think I prefer the current system of Black Soul gems being perishable and hard to make.

He wants it auto-filled. Azura's Star has to be manually filled after use.

I personally have all grand soul gems removed from merchants, only obtainable through exploring. Makes enchanted weapons less uber if they are harder to charge.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 pm

Actually I didn't know that. I've always used FormID, but I'll change it now if it causes problems.

You didn't? Guess I was thinking of someone else.

I've always used FormID, but I'll change it now if it causes problems.

Have you always done this with vanilla objects only?

Does it cause bugs?

It can. Load any plugin by itself and every FormID unique to that plugin will start with 01. Try using that FormID with more than that plugin loaded and you'll get something else because the first two digits of a FormID actually depend on what order the mod loads in. If it's the first plugin to load after the Oblivion.esm, the first two digits will be 01, but if it's the second plugin to load the the first two digits will be 02. If it's the third plugin to load the the first two digits will be 03 and so on (in hexadecimal form). That's why it's better to use the EditorID instead. No confusion that way.
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:36 pm

Have you always done this with vanilla objects only?

Yes just for vanilla objects.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 am

Yes just for vanilla objects.

It's off topic, but don't see what the issue is. I generally use Form IDs for most of my scripts, including ones with custom objects, and have not noticed any significant problem in doing so. The script may be a bit harder to read, but that's about it. The only instance where I could see using form IDs to become a problem is in the case of non-enchanted equipment which becomes enchanted in game. So please enlighten me.

As to the topic at hand, you may want to look at this mod here.

It's not as consistent as a quest script which provides an endless supply of soulgems (which could easily be exploited through droping/duplicating), but instead gives a grand soulgem temporarily when using one of the standard enchanting altars or using a special enchantment ability. It will also give you access to all of the vanilla enchantment/spellcrafting effects while you enchant/spellcraft, removing the necessity to go hunting down those elusive spells. Keep in mind that this is technically a cheat mod, so can quickly ruin most of the difficulty within the game if abused.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 pm

thnx all
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