Yes, but save it for hardcoe mode. I would love that but others wouldn't, and we have to be considerate of everyone's preference.
Why exactly?
*Many (including myself) have a preference for sci-fi tech, and pop-culture references... And wouldn't mind an Oblivion Gate opening up into Yankee Stadium during a game. :shrug:
Now... Those preferences don't fit this series and should not be taken into account as a consideration ~they're detrimental.
I could say (and mean it) that I have a strong preference for Isometric styled 3d games like NWN and Witcher over any first person game, but for certain exemplary shooters, and while I play the TES games in TPP as much is practical, its pretty obvious that the designers intended the game to simulate the first person experience of living in Tamriel. I would actually like it a lot if good TPP were supported in Skyrim, but I'm not going to demand it (nor should I).
There exists a very real limit to how far any IP should bend for the sake of pleasing everyone. IMO an IP should not bend at all ~period; and let those that like it for what it is, enjoy it to the fullest as the designers intended; and let anyone else not content with exactly what it is... be content with another product that better suits their exact preference. This is how the marketplace is
supposed to work. There should not be a "one game to please everybody (just a bit)" mentality in the market... You can never succeed at pleasing everybody (you can only succeed at selling them something they are not 100% satisfied with).
The gaming ideal (from a gamer's perspective) is the ultimate game for
them and its why they would spend
their money on it. Imagine if you had only three options for buying a car and they all had mandatory baby seats and a 'special needs' seating with powerchair docks on the back bumper ~and you had to pay for that stuff too. [This includes on a Lamborghini]
People should be allowed to choose what best suits them in a product, and not have to be shackled (overmuch) with what best suits everybody else (somewhat).
I say that if it is the intention of the studio to go for realistic reactions, then by all means include outfit recognition ~to the best of their ability (which might mean not making it optional).