Adding a texture to a newly created mesh

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:33 pm

Hey guys,

Normally, I'd go on the CS wiki and look this up. However, when I got there, I just got even more confused. I don't exactly know where to start on this.

I'm trying to put a texture on a cylinder mesh I recently made, so I'm not retexturing. Unfortunately, in NifSkope, there is no option to add or change a texture that I can see.

Does anyone know what the first step is to pulling this off? Or, can someone direct me to the correct tutorial?

Thank you so much,


Edit: This is my first time creating a mesh, so I really don't know a whole lot about the process. But I can retexture an existing model.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:31 am

Once you create a new mesh you need to assign a material to it and UV map a texture to it. Exactly how you do those things depends on the 3D modeler you used to create the mesh. Typically the beginner tutorials for a 3D modeler will include the basics of assigning materials and UV mapping. If you post what 3D modeler you are using, someone here may be able to point you to a helpful tutorial.
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