Changing an Armor Item to a Clothes Item

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:50 am

Is it possible to simply change an Armor item into a Clothes item while keeping the same Editor ID and any other information that would be necessary for use in any referencing scripts within a mod? Possibly using TES4Edit? I'm trying to modify the MOE Lichcraft and Lycanthropy module of for my own use.

What I want to do is change the Spectral Crown item that is equipped on your Spectral Lich character as heavy armor into a hood clothing item. I can change the mesh, icons, and item name simply enough in the Construction Set, but the item is still Armor. And my mage/lich's spell effectiveness drops considerably while wearing heavy armor!

I've also tried deleting the Spectral Crown item from the original .esp file using TES4Edit, creating a new .esp containing only a Spectral Hood clothing item with the same Editor ID as the Spectral Crown in the original .esp, and loading the two .esp files into the CS with the new .esp loading later. However, that causes scripts in the original .esp to fail to locate the referenced Spectral Crown item even though its Editor ID is the same as the Spectral Hood.

Hopefully that made sense... Thanks for any advice.
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Gavin boyce
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