I was gonna go with the GOG option bc 6 bucks is rly cheap considering how much time il prolly end up putting into it. Does anybody have suggestions on a character build?
I always favored Intelligence and Agility for my characters - INT not only gives you more skill points (crucial), you also get more/unique dialogue options. For each point of Agility you get one additional action point, and you can never have enough of those in a turn-based game.

Skill-wise you're probably best off tagging small arms, other combat skills aren't really an option unless you specifically want a melee character for example (plus you won't find energy or big guns until later, by which time you'll have enough skill points to have raised the skills naturally). Speech is always a sound choice, and for the third lockpick would be good (unlike FO3, FO1 and 2 doesn't have a handy terminal next to each locked door so if you can't pick the lock, you're screwed... Unless you can force it open with brawn or boom
