So, when you get Skyrim will you start with a test character to just get the feel of the game first, or will you start with your "real" character? For me, I'll probably first spend a few hours having fun in character creation...depending on how versatile the character creation system is, anyway. Then I'll probably create a test character to get a feel for the game--probably a Khajiit, since I like Khajiit but rarely play as one. I won't explore much, just want to get a feel for the game. Then I'll make my real character, a Dunmer thief.
I think I'll just jump right in, after playing around with the character creation sliders to my liking. It's what I did for Oblivion and Morrowind... Not so much in Daggerfall because my first character ended up lost in a dungeon.
I like to jump head-first into my games. When you first play a TES game and you have no idea what's what, that's when it's the most fun, atleast for me. I love discovering things in a new and magical new world.
Don't get me wrong, after I've figured things out I still absolutely love the game. But I relish the first hour or so :biggrin:
That's what I did for my first Morrowind character...and he turned out pretty worthless. The new engine is chiefly why I want to get more comfortable with the system before I make a serious character; if it were another Gamebryo game I'd just jump right in.
I always start my first character as a warrior type. Heavy armor and swords and such. I will play through and beat the main quest with him then start new ones. I make new ones to do the quest lines for the guilds. Mage for mages and thief for thieves and possibly assassin if there is a Dark Brotherhood or Morag Tong.
Depends on how long the tutorial is. If it is short (Morrowind/New Vegas) I'll make test characters, if it is long (Oblivion/FO3) I'll just roll with my first character for a bit, since I will be able to get a feel for the game in the tutorial itself.
I like to jump head-first into my games. When you first play a TES game and you have no idea what's what, that's when it's the most fun, atleast for me. I love discovering things in a new and magical new world.
Don't get me wrong, after I've figured things out I still absolutely love the game. But I relish the first hour or so :biggrin:
I know. Even with my awful first Morrowind character, I can remember the sense of how big the world is and how open! It was an amazing feeling and I can't wait to feel it again with Skyrim, especially with how rocking I'm expecting the graphics to be. That's why I'm not exploring much with my test character. Really, I just want to make sure that I create my first serious character to be a character that will be fun to play throughout the game.
Unless they change things a lot, I’ll just jump in. TES isn’t like FO, where you really need plan out your build in advance to make it the most effective, just do what you like and your build will fallow.
Test? Nope. I already have my first character(s) planned out.
What I will do is spend a lot more time with character creation. Mods won't be out right away so I'll have to spend a bit of time getting the faces right. Hopefully it will be much easier from past games.
Test? Nope. I already have my first character(s) planned out.
What I will do is spend a lot more time with character creation. Mods won't be out right away so I'll have to spend a bit of time getting the faces right. Hopefully it will be much easier from past games.
I have my character planned out too; I just happen to enjoy character creation almost as much as actually playing. It's probably why I have a hard time sticking with one character.
I always start with a test character- who ends up finishing the game anyway, only after I've done so with a "Now that I've learned some things..." character.
I usually just jump right in with my first character - where's the point in trying to plan your skills and anticipate how the game will unfold? You want the game to surprise and amaze you on your first playthrough.
I do believe I'll be spending many study hall periods drawing up custom class ideas, however.
I too am going to play around in the character creation for a long time. My brother is going to be angry that he wont be able to play but I am not going to give him a turn on the first day. Not if I am going to spend all that time on the character creation. I was very good at it in Oblivion with the facegen.
As for a test character I don't think so. I am just going to bound straight into Skyrim; Dantlar Darathos, Dovahkiin!
That first character always becomes the defining character for me for the rest of the game, since exploring everything for the first time in the game with that character has a lot of nostalgia.
When I first got Morrowind I did a test to see what everything was. When I got Oblivion I knew everything for the most part so I just jumped in and played. Skyrim I will do the same. Dunmer first then who knows. Depends on what I'm feeling.