» Thu May 26, 2011 7:18 pm
Theailan didn't wast time trying to go to the merchant district to look for what he needed, the riot last night was so great he didn't thinkg he could find what he was looking for, so he left the city throught the west gate going across the bridge to Weye. it took him little time to find a clothing shop where he bought a new pair of pants well taned leather pants, and a shirt of good flax linnen dyed a blue so deep it was all most black, he had hoped to find somthing in green, brown, or grey, but it was the only thing in his size. then he had to go to a travial outfitter to find what was next on his list. he paid a good deal of the gold he had, but he figured it money well spent as he looked at the five cloak's, there outside was strong canvas, dyed in dappled brown, with oil and wax to water proof them, the inside lined with a warm dear pelt, and they came with threading slits, and staves so that they could be linked together ot make a tent. that with the five backpacks left him with only eighteen gold coins. on his way back he spent ten more on a weel of cheese, three summer sausage, a pound of apples, and travial bread, all of which he split up between the packs.
dawning his own pack, and stuffing a cloak into each of the other packs, Theailan then bound the other four pack into his cloak, took the five walking staves in his off hand and walked back across the bridge to meet the others. he knew the hour time was well over, but as he go the gate he saw that he wasn't the only one running behind, in fact Elissandre was the only one there. Theailan smiled and dug out at a pack, "a bounty of gifts at the start of a new jurney, good lady" he said tossing it to Elissandre, then handing her a walking staff.