so lets have fun with this. What do you want Skyrim to be? For me I am expecting it to be something totally different so it will be Skyrim 1.0.
I will complain about. I may even give up on it like I did with Oblivon and come back one month later and then love it.
I have no idea what to expect. All I know it will be a different experiance just like Daggerfall was different to Arena, and Morrowind different to Daggerfall and Oblivion was different to Morrowind.
I am curiouis what will the new feature be in Skyrim. First we had Arena. Basically everything was new there. I think the main new feature in Dagger fall was that you can use the mouse to "look" around.
It also had way more better character generation system as well.
Morrowind simplified things and I believe the main thing that was added for Morrowind would be 3rd person view. It also streamlined the game some.
Oblivion I believe added voice acting. It also streamlined the game some more as well. It also added having Magika regeneration as well as using it almost at the same time when fighting, no more weapon ready or magic ready.
So that leaves to Skyrim. What will be the "new" feature in the game? Right now, I can't think of anything, my mind is a blank. We already have mouse to use as our "view". We already have 3rd person "view".
We have voice acting now. What can the next thing be? While it's not new in gaming terms, the only thing I can't thik of is adding parties or companions in the TESverse. The thing is, this is nothing WOW,
that I had when I first encountered the other main changing ideas in past games. I was floored using my mouse to "look" around in Daggerfall. I loved having 3rd person in Morrowind, something different than 1st person all the time.
I was like OK with voice acting though, but it was something different and new. (I like to read, so it was no big deal for me.)
So unless we have motion controlers, Kintect for 360, Move for PS3, PC??? what can be added new to Skyrim that no other TES game had before?