How do you want Skyrim?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

Do you want Morrowind 2.0? Oblivion 2.0? Moroblivion/Oblivinwood? How about something totally different? Since the game will be out in 11 months, nothing we say can really change the game now,
so lets have fun with this. What do you want Skyrim to be? For me I am expecting it to be something totally different so it will be Skyrim 1.0.
I will complain about. I may even give up on it like I did with Oblivon and come back one month later and then love it.

I have no idea what to expect. All I know it will be a different experiance just like Daggerfall was different to Arena, and Morrowind different to Daggerfall and Oblivion was different to Morrowind.
I am curiouis what will the new feature be in Skyrim. First we had Arena. Basically everything was new there. I think the main new feature in Dagger fall was that you can use the mouse to "look" around.
It also had way more better character generation system as well.

Morrowind simplified things and I believe the main thing that was added for Morrowind would be 3rd person view. It also streamlined the game some.

Oblivion I believe added voice acting. It also streamlined the game some more as well. It also added having Magika regeneration as well as using it almost at the same time when fighting, no more weapon ready or magic ready.

So that leaves to Skyrim. What will be the "new" feature in the game? Right now, I can't think of anything, my mind is a blank. We already have mouse to use as our "view". We already have 3rd person "view".
We have voice acting now. What can the next thing be? While it's not new in gaming terms, the only thing I can't thik of is adding parties or companions in the TESverse. The thing is, this is nothing WOW,
that I had when I first encountered the other main changing ideas in past games. I was floored using my mouse to "look" around in Daggerfall. I loved having 3rd person in Morrowind, something different than 1st person all the time.
I was like OK with voice acting though, but it was something different and new. (I like to read, so it was no big deal for me.)

So unless we have motion controlers, Kintect for 360, Move for PS3, PC??? what can be added new to Skyrim that no other TES game had before?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:03 am

If it requires Kinect i would seriously doubt buying it.

I'm pretty sure Morrowind had voice acting.

I think oblivions WOW factor was the graphical detail of it all. I mean when it first came out on the lastest generation of consoles anyway.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 pm

So nobody has any ideas what the new "wow" thing will be for Skyrim?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 pm

Totally different. Stop living in the past.
So nobody has any ideas what the new "wow" thing will be for Skyrim?

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:42 am

The Wow factor for SKYRIM

A game where everything is perfect.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:58 am

Normally Bethesda has made every TES a major step in the RPG gaming industry. So I imagine its the game in general.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:10 pm

The New Engine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:17 pm

I think the WOW factor is usually graphics. Oblivion had crazy graphics for its time, although they look very dated now. I'm hoping this new engine yields some insane photorealistic graphics. Todd said it would feel like a new console. And hopefully it's a huge game world too. Oblivion was a good size but I'm shooting for the stars and hoping it'll be even bigger than Cyrodiil.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:57 am

The New Engine

Well I would say that was for Oblivion, then the same can be said for Morrowind as well.

Again, Arena was the first. Daggerfall had the mouse to use for your viewpoint. Morrowind had 3rd person view and Oblvion had voice acting. So
besides a New Engine what do you think can be added in Skyrim that wasn't done in a TES game. This doesn't mean that Betheada invented
it, but adding it to their series.

My guess will be companions, either like a Pack Rat in Blood Moon or an actual companion that was done in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Hopefully
no Adoring Fan like but now you can have friends or companions. I would hope that Bethesda actually improves on this and actually makes them
interactive. The choices they make will have to make you think now, do you keep them or what not depending on their actions they do.

Like one can be a thief. Well do you want to go around stealing stuff or if you are a theif they may leave you. What if they murder people, do you
turn him or her in? Are her benifits too good to pass up, that you will turn a blind eye to their actions they do?

I think this could be the new TES thing. Then again, I haven't been buying games lately, so I am not sure what is "new" that can be incorperated into Skyrim.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 pm

Well, my dream:
* The world size of Daggerfall, with detailed areas like Oblivion (although more natural looking, not so condensed to allow short view distances).
* The non detailed space is filled with auto generated fractal landscape suitable for the area, and auto placed items.
* Two new specializations, Nature and Social. Combat and Magic are less Nature oriented, and Stealth is less Social oriented.
* Back with Major, Minor, and Misc (and Not Available) skills, instead of just Major and Minor (the rest of them).
* A [censored]load of new skills and mastery perks, making it impossible to explore all possibilities with just a couple of characters. In my setup I have 56 skills in total; 11 Combat skills, 11 Nature skills, 12 Stealth skills, 11 Social skills, and 11 Magic skills, laid out nicely in an Oblivion like, with 8 skills for each of the 7 governing attributes.
* Capped and evaluated. Although I don't want the leveling of creatures to be as extensive as in Oblivion, what it does is the same thing as a real life GM does - keeping it interesting and dangerous. Don't make it impossible to play good all rounders, a GM wouldn't. We should be able to level according to the character we want to play, and not be punished for not power leveling. I don't mind facing updated bandits, but I'd rather have a story behind it. But I don't want to come back to a quest I wasn't able to solve with medium creatures, now have strong creatures because I'm higher in level. The reason I quit the quest at the time may have been because I was too weak. Coming back and the same still holds true is bad.
* More impact on the elements, and ability to influence them so they work in your advantage. Heat vs frozen lakes. Frost vs water. Shock vs anything wet (interesting :D)
* Either have subskills that you have to use trainers for, or limit home practice to 75 for Major skills, 50 for Minor skills, and 25 for Misc skills. For master training to apply, the skill have to be in your specialization, and it have to be a Major skill. Once you've reached 100, then you can continue increasing that skill on your own, but at an extremely slow pace. Master of everything? No such thing. If you want to reach those levels of nonsense, cheat. I'm getting to those extremes even if I try hard not to, it's impossible to avoid.
* Evolving game play. At the beginning, things are tedious to do. As you do certain quests, it becomes more and more possible to automate these tedious processes, because they get boring in the long run. I.e. automated travel like in MW. You may have to travel (by foot) to the other end of the map to initiate the quests needed to setup travel services (like boats and striders in MW), but getting there is pretty much impossible at lower levels due unleveled creatures. Then you have to activate one route at a time. When all routes are completed, you get to enjoy automated travel between any major hub. So a lot of these automated processes to ease the game play, but they should rarely be freebies.

As for the area Skyrim, I want it to be similar to Oblivion. Green, lush, beautiful, with snow where appropriate. If there was anything new, I'm hoping for proper seasons, season based weather, season based textures, and that time has more impact (hence the relation to Daggerfall size) so we can actually have those seasons. Morrowind with its huge plants and weird architecture was just too crazy for me. I want something I can actually relate to. I want even darker dungeons though, especially in the deep. I don't see the importance of torches.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 pm

So nobody has any ideas what the new "wow" thing will be for Skyrim?


In a word : AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 pm

softshadows PLEAAASEEEE!!!!!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:12 am

softshadows PLEAAASEEEE!!!!!

I don't understand what softshadows is. Can you explain please.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 am

So nobody has any ideas what the new "wow" thing will be for Skyrim?

I'm guessing augmented reality goggles!

Actually, I would like it Oblivion 2.0 but with better AI. I got my books for more in depth entertainment.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:19 am

Yeah, I hope the 'wow' factor lies in the AI with this one. Oblivion started in the right direction, but fell short, hopefully Skyrim will achieve what most people thought they'd see in OB and then some.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:20 am

I don't understand what softshadows is. Can you explain please.

I'm guessing he means actual shadows for characters, they didn't react well to light sources.

Not sure.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:45 am

morrowind 2.0

combat so epic the game could stand alone on it

acrobatics and hand to hand being usefull/ have more of a presence

better ways to travel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 pm

Honestly the answer is simple: The new "wow" thing, will be the new engine.

Go youtube "Rage Gameplay", and check out the engine that game uses. It's like Fallout merged with CoD, but with much better graphics!

I know Skyrim won't have that exact engine, but it's obvious that the new engine will be (hopefully MAJORLY) influenced by that engine.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 am

Honestly the answer is simple: The new "wow" thing, will be the new engine.

Go youtube "Rage Gameplay", and check out the engine that game uses. It's like Fallout merged with CoD, but with much better graphics!

I know Skyrim won't have that exact engine, but it's obvious that the new engine will be (hopefully MAJORLY) influenced by that engine.

Every new TES game had a new engine. (I don't think Battlespire is considered a TES game.) So if Skyrim's new "Wow" thing is the
new engine I can see Skyrim failing. Everytime the "wow" factor is the engine then the game fails because the game play is not there.

So I am hoping that the new engine is not the "wow" factor.

We all expect TES to have a great engine and awsome graphics. I also believe there is something else new to TES as well. So if it's just
the graphics Skyrim will already be disapointing. This will not make Skyrim stand out in a TES game at all.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 pm

Every new TES game had a new engine. (I don't think Battlespire is considered a TES game.) So if Skyrim's new "Wow" thing is the
new engine I can see Skyrim failing. Everytime the "wow" factor is the engine then the game fails because the game play is not there.

So I am hoping that the new engine is not the "wow" factor.

We all expect TES to have a great engine and awsome graphics. I also believe there is something else new to TES as well. So if it's just
the graphics Skyrim will already be disapointing. This will not make Skyrim stand out in a TES game at all.

If the engine was like Rage's, and they kept everything else exactly like Oblivion, I'd still be impressed with it. The engine makes the game, and everything else depends on it. So, to me, it's a big deal when they make a new engine.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:37 am

I don't understand what softshadows is. Can you explain please.

they were originally intended for Oblivion, they took them away for performance issues ... the E3 demo had them

around 1:40
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 pm

Let it be it's own game. I'm not saying don't learn from past shortcomings (and despite what some Morrowind-Mongers on these forums may say, they all had their super-irritating quirks), only that it shouldn't be a 2.0 of anything.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:23 am

Every new TES game had a new engine.

No they didn't. Daggerfall, Battlespire and Redgaurd all used the engine. A Bethesda creation.

Morrowind used 'Numerical Design Limited's', now known as 'Emergent Game Technologies' NetImmerse engine which was renamed Oblivion was on the Gamebryo, or "NetImmerse" engine. Basically a tweaked version.
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