I believe the last few posters mistook my intention there too. No no, discussion is fine, its the couple of people who posted saying basically 'We want to expose people to porm, so screw you' that I'm thwapping at...and mostly I don't know why, their kind doesnt listen anyway.
The points of that last post really wasnt to shoot anyone down, just to point out that I already 'get it'. I've always 'gotten it'. and to reply to two or three individual posts, not to bash people in this topic as a whole.
You must admit there have been a few posts here that were...eccentric...or obviously posted by people under 21...probably under 18.
Why is it so hard to accept that many of us, not just me, would like other people to show some restraint and professionalism in their publishing?
You putting porm on the front page of your mod, where it bypasses advlt filters, is like me pasting a graphic six picture from a magazine on the grill of my car...its shocking, its discomforting, and, well, its probably illegal.
Whether for good or ill, those type of laws have not yet truly come to the internet. Even if they have, they are hard to enforce.
What I'm suggesting is that if you want the MOST people to use your mod, then you need to cater to the MOST COMMON desire. The most COMMON desire is to see a mod, be TANTALIZED by it, and delve deeper into it.
It's actually a BUSINESS in my country.
we call it: ADVERTISING.
By showing me '*ALL* the goods' in your front page, I get three things out of your post:
1. You are a crass person with very little sense of dignity or decorum or professionalism.
2. Because you lack professionalism, your mod is probably second rate and buggy
3. You have crossed the line between my PUBLIC life and my PRIVATE life and embarrassed me, whether thats a good thing or a bad thing (If I'm a prude..so bloody what?), the fact remains, my cheeks have reddened, my blood pressure has gone up, and I'm ANNOYED, and therefore I will want little to do with your mod.
The vast majority of the people on this planet believe that public is public, and private is private, and that sixuality and nudity belong in PRIVATE.
So, if that applies to the vast majority of the world's people, isn't it just basic good business sense to post your mod in a professional, downplayed manner and tantalize me?
Think of it this way...if you tell me its a nvde mod, but the girl on the search page is wearing a harem outfit or a string bikini...I will be tantalized...I will want to know more...how is it a 'nvde mod' if shes clothed??? so...I will open your mod up and view the FULL screenshots page...where you can freely and professionally (hopefully) assault my senses with all manner of nakedness.
Thats it, in a nutshell.
There is an old saying in child psychology circles: You can't teach a new dog old rules, and its generally understood that many (not all, but many) 'nvde mods' are posted by the 14 to 25 age crowd.
I should try to remember that before I post about this kind of thing

If my post(s), any of them, offended anyone or came across as a rant, obtuse, or 'prudish', I apologize. It really wasn't my intent...but it's hard to post calmly and professionally (pokes himself for having been unprofessional and emotional) when the image of that...half-advlt, half-child, half---mutated monstrosity...is stuck in your mind.
The ball, as it were, is strictly in the court of the Nexus and the people who browse it, and how they choose to enforce the sites advlt content rules. I feel the Nexus staff are doing a fine job on it, overall, actually, its just, as the site operator posted here, that some people are using the screenshot system to 'get around' advlt ratings, and the only way to stop that is for us to observe and diligently report...something I'm not prepared to waste much time doing, I must admit, so that being the case, I need to just thicken my skin a bit, and make sure at least the 8 year old isnt around, and that if the 16 year old sees this stuff, we discuss it.
I consider this topic a dead horse. I haven't changed anyones mind appreciably, people are deliberately misreading my posts in order to find some tiny nugget to piss them off, and I believe we should just let the topic lie as an example of the sheer diversity of opinion people have.
I WILL say this, however, and then I'm done...outsized bodyparts and intimations that the being in question is somehow 'childlike' or perhaps even, by some remote stretch of imagination, an actual child is disgusting, illegal, and makes me want to harm the author.
"It's a parent thing. you wouldn't understand" I guess.