Theses aren't that good, but here goes anyway...
A mage walks down the street and turns into a bar. Cool trick, huh?
A Nord walks out of a bar. Hey, it could happen.
How do you keep a (insert race here) from drowning?
Spoiler Take your foot off of his/her head.
A smart Orc, a Griffin, a talking Wolf and a dumb Orc are sitting in a room. Which one is real?
Spoiler The dumb Orc. Seriously, have you ever met a smart one?
Two Orcs are trying to get into their house after locking the key inside. The door is too strong for them to knock down, they can't cast Unlock on it, they don't have an Unlock scroll and they keep breaking lockpicks. It starts to rain rather severely and the younger Orc says "Hurry up! We've got to get in quickly! The windows are open!"
A Master Mage and his Apprentice are out camping. The Master is teaching his Apprentice both Philosophy and the importance of Reason. One night, the Master wakes the Apprentice and they have the following conversation:
Master: "Look up. Tell me what you see and what you deduce from it."
Apprentice: "I see a sky full of stars. I deduce from this that the universe is vast, wondrous and unknowable and that we are tiny and insignificant. That the Nine are truly Divine, powerful and wise and that we have much to learn if we are to be worthy in Their eyes. That the more we learn, the more questions we have. That our quest for knowledge is eternal. What do you deduce, Master?"
Master: "I deduce that you are more philosophical than reasoning."
Apprentice: "Why do you say that, Master?"
Master: "Because you missed the obvious, even though it's right in front of you. Somebody has stolen our tent!"