I have my elite 360 profile set up to make my games set to hard difficulty by default.
I once owned and finished Fallout 3 on the ps3, so am well aware of the feel of the game when it is set to very hard difficulty (A FAR better experience).
Since I've bought Fallout 3 for the 360 however, I'm not noticing any change to the difficulty regardless of what it is set to.
To judge weather it was just me freaking out, I did a little test where i started a fight I'm megaton, at level 2, and Lucas Sims despite being at point blank range, could not hit me with his Chinese Assault Rifle. Even when he did it took him about 3/4 hits to kill me.
That's not the "very hard" Fallout 3 I remember....
The only idea I had to fix this was to try deleting the save files and installation files from my 360, setting my profile back to normal difficulty settings, then restarting the game. This did not work, and the game was set to very hard by default still anyway.
If anyone knows why I cannot play FO3 on very hard please, please help.