Naming my Orc?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm

I have to have a name for my characters that I like or I just can't seem to enjoy RPing with them... not sure why this is :unsure:

Anyway, I've decided I like the Orcs and I want to play an Orc Rogue/Hunter/Warrior all around type of character. I want a name that sounds both Orcish and sneaky/hunterish. I'm not good with Orc names though and I'd appreciate some help. Here are a few I've come up with...

- Slytche
- Grix
- Zyrg
- Gorbash
- Bulvye
- Hothgar

Orc name help please :)
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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:13 am

Hmm, to be lore correct, the orc should have a first name, then gro/gra (depending on the orc's gender. Males get gro, females get gra)-"enter fathers name her

However, it's up to you, but of the names mentioned above, I would go with Sclythe

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 am

You could combine two to be lore correct.

Slytche gro Gorbash
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 am

Here's a couple name generators for TES characters. I hope you can find something you like:

This one sticks to the lore gro/gra stuff:

This one does not:
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:49 am

Gorbash, absolutely, of those listed.

Orc names are heavy on hard, guttural consonants (b, d, g, k, l, m, n, p, r, t, z) and a's and o's.

Grix is okay, but x seems pretty uncommon in orc names. Zyrg is okay too, but I think Zurg would be better for an Orc. I can't recall seeing even one with y as a vowel. Slytche and Bulvye both sound like mer'ish names to me (probably Dunmer), and Hothgar is Nord all the way.

My first and most famous Orc is Bogmok gro-Lob. I have a female Orc battlemage named Lorl gra-Ornug and a new Orc adventurer named Lud gro-Dalum.

Just about anything you can put together that's heavy on the a's, o's, g's, b's, d's, l's, m's, p's, etc., should work:

Brog gro-Golap
Dalob gro-Mok
Ogribosh gro-Dalop


I don't think it's necessary that you include a "gro-" or "gra-" last name (Mazoga, for instance), but it is the lore. In one sense, it's much like any last name, and thus can be left out (I'm sure people rarely call you by your full name), but in another, Orcs are extremely proud of their heritage, and for most, it would be an insult to not acknowledge their parents. Your call there.....
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 pm

I have to have a name for my characters that I like or I just can't seem to enjoy RPing with them... not sure why this is :unsure:

Well, it's harder to enjoy a character if you don't like them right? A name is one of the first impressions of a character, that's how I see it anyway :)

When roleplaying an Orc, the surname can be an important part of the character's background, since it's customary to take on the mother or father's name. I totally agree about Hothgar being Nordic -- however, since Orcs and Nords have shared some history, he may have been raised by Nords, so his could be something like Lumbak gro-Hothgar. If you decide to use the gro/gra part, Gorbash would make a good surname. Don't stress about it though, maybe your Orc prefers using a single name (again, Mazoga as an example). And one of my favourite characters was Malgak, who went from Morrowind to Oblivion. lists Orc names that have been used, for some more inspiration.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:40 am

Great advice everyone... many thanks.

OK I like the "gro" prefix for a last name. I think that will add a cool um... realism to the name :)

As for the name Slytche.... I made this name up for a Wood Elf Hunter type character. I switched to an Orc Hunter type of character and I figured the name would still work. I guess because I read somewhere that the Orcs are also called Corrupt Elves. It also just sounds like a hunter type of name. After I came up with the name I googled it. Apparently it's a biblical reference to Noah's Ark...

"Slytche is evidently intended slime, or mire, or slush, to be applied to the fabrick of the Ark, for the purpose of closing the joints or filling up all cracks and crevices to the exclusion of wind and water."

I liked the name more after I read this :)

Anyway I'm looking for a name that sounds both Hunter like and Orc like. I like the "sound" of...

Slytche gro-Lok

I'd like to be authentic with my Orc name, so if Slytche is just too out of place I don't want to use it.

I like the name Gorbash... it sounds Orc like to me, but it doesn't sound like a Hunter name to me, so I'm still fishing.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:06 pm

I guess because I read somewhere that the Orcs are also called Corrupt Elves.

Yes, also called Orsimer. However, keep in mind that Orsimer, Bosmer (wood elves), Altmer (high elves), and Dunmer (dark elves) are all VERY different elven races. It's like using Juan as a Nord name, just doesn't fit the cultural background.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:31 am


Slytche is definitely not an Orcish sounding name-- the "y" vowel, the "tch" and the "e" at the end are not, at least so far as I've seen, features of Orcish names at all. However, all that means is that if you really want to use the name, you might need to come up with a justification for it-- maybe he's of mixed parentage, maybe his parents had some hope that he'd better fit in with surrounding Bosmer or Dunmer, maybe it's a nickname....

It might take some explaining to make it work, but you certainly could make it work.

And the actual definition of the word could supply a nice ironic twist to it, particularly if the intention was to make him sound more like someone who could fit into another mer'ish culture.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:33 am


Slytche is definitely not an Orcish sounding name-- the "y" vowel, the "tch" and the "e" at the end are not, at least so far as I've seen, features of Orcish names at all. However, all that means is that if you really want to use the name, you might need to come up with a justification for it-- maybe he's of mixed parentage, maybe his parents had some hope that he'd better fit in with surrounding Bosmer or Dunmer, maybe it's a nickname....

It might take some explaining to make it work, but you certainly could make it work.

And the actual definition of the word could supply a nice ironic twist to it, particularly if the intention was to make him sound more like someone who could fit into another mer'ish culture.

Alright, I'll save Slytche for some kind of elf character :)

I think I have enough info to make up an authentic Orc name. Many thanks all!
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Michael Russ
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 am

Didn't read everything so sorry if this has been said already, from the UESP wiki:

Orc names always follow a strict format, being that they have a main name, and a gender prefix preceding a last name. For example, Burz gro-Khash, or Snak gra-Bura. (gro = male, gra = female)

I'd name my character something like Zurg gro-Gorash if I ever get to making one.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:04 am

Does Warg work as an Orc first name? I know it's a Tolkein term, but it is also an old Norse term for wolf. It sounds Orcish and hunterish to me, but I don't want to use it if it has some other Oblivion connotation.

I'm thinking...

Warg gro-Bash
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Ann Church
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 am

Still sounds a bit to sharp to me. How about Wargumph gro-Bash
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:51 am

Warg sounds like a good orc-name to me. The word (or animal) does not figure in TES lore. Less sure about gro-Bash,

Btw, there's an orc npc named Mazoga, no last name, who will explain to you that she does not have or need a family name. So provide your orc with a family name if you want to, but if you prefer not to, there's precedent.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 am

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 am

Warg works, either with or without a last name. I'd tend to include a last name of some sort, just because it seems a bit simple by itself-- just four letters and one syllable-- but even that might be fine. Maybe he's the sort of character who only needs one syllable and four letters. Maybe his given name was longer and he forgot the rest of it. Maybe he or his father were exiled from Orsinium and he can't or won't use his name.

Or maybe it's Warg gro-Lumbuk or Warg gro-Bolum or Warg gro-.... whatever.

I sort of like Warg gro-Bash myself. It's a bit corny (I can almost picture him, looking sort of slack-jawed and saying his name with the emphasis on Bash -- "Me Warg gro-BASH!" -- maybe swinging a warhammer for emphasis). But if that's the sort of character he is, that'd be great.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 am

When I played an orc, he was Khan gro-Malek. Dunno, just liked it - still do.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:47 am

If I ever have a orc character there is a pretty big chance that I will name it Garzhvog (pronounced like garzfog) its a character from the eragon,eldest and brisinger series of books, the garzhvog is one of the kull leaders, ( a race that very much reminds me of orcs) and since it starts with a G it helps it sound a bit more elder scrollsy. (except for the fact that it doesnt start with gro)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:30 am

How about: Gozar Gro-Buttcramps
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:38 pm

Here are 100 male Orc names:
Ushag Shumba
Yadbaam Durog
Bogamu Sharolg
Uramul Gar
Bugdul Shulor
Gakkenfe Loghar
Rulfim Khatub
Bugdul Bolak
Bagamu Shadbu
Shakh Ghashnag
Uramul Durug
Gakken Mar
Yadbaam Khashnar
Uramulg Murz
Bagamu Shugarz
Yadba Magadb
Largas Bugdb
Mashagam Yargul
Yadbaam Shagdulg
Mashag Ghashn
Guaron Ogdub
Guaron Lumob
Gakkenfe Shadbu
Yadbaam Sharbag
Ra'Grug Mogduk
Yadbaam Yak
Ra'Grug Mar
Lorbulg Muzgob
Shakh Glorku
Bugdulg Shadbu
Orakh Kashug
Olfiml Lumbakh
Shakh Shadbu
Uramulg Mar
Umbraam Bagrat
Gakken Magrish
Ushag Agadbu
Yadbaam Bogadbu
Mashag Durga
Bugdul Snagarz
Gakken Badbu
Guaron Lurn
Yadbaam Bogamakh
Snagam Khashnar
Dreggs Bogadb
Snagamul Shadbu
Bugdul Badbu
Ushag Shadbuk
Yadbaam Bologra
Gakken Agadbu
Khadba Orbuma
Bagamu Urgak
Mashagam Ulfimph
Ghamulg Gholob
Ghamul Ushar
Ghamul Khagra
Largas Ghashnag
Lugdul Bashnag
Umbraam Loghash
Lugdul Bulfish
Snagamul Badbu
Snagam Ogdub
Snagamul Lumbakh
Gakkenfe Gar
Gakken Bogadb
Yadba Bashnag
Rogdul Durga
Yadbaam Bat
Yadbaam Shagdub
Ulamul Agum
Lugdul Gashel
Ghamulg Khagra
Olfim Gulfis
Uramul Dumul
Uramul Ufthamog
Yadbaam Ogdum
Bagamul Bagul
Lugdul Ghashnag
Yadba Ulfimph
Umbraam Magadb
Bugdul Lorga
Bagamul Snagra
Snagam Shagramph
Gakken Uzuk
Bogamu Mughol
Guaron Shadbu
Ghamul Gat
Khadba Bulag
Umbraam Shugarz
Largas Gashel
Yadbaam Borbog
Mashagam Bogadb
Shakh Bogadbu
Koffut Snagarz
Khadba Burish
Yadba Glorku
Yadba Orbuma
Ghamul Ghash
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:29 am

I was having trouble naming my orc so I cut my last name in about half and added Gro- in front of the second part. Sounds like an orc name to me, as flattering as that is to admit. :meh:
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 pm

Darn you, Thetri. I was gonna use the name generator.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 am

Darn you, Thetri. I was gonna use the name generator.

I used it for the list and for my own screen name as well. My screen name is a Breton name.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:53 am

When in doubt, turn to the classics.

I have always liked the sound of Grishnákh, and Lúrtz (from the films), is just awesome. You just have to add a gra or gro and another name for the parent.
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luke trodden
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 am

Miles_Acraeus posted a link to this name generator - on another thread, and it's VERY nice.

One of the "chapters" (ranges of names, essentially) that you can use is Black Speech-- Tolkien's language of the Orcs. And there are countless other sets-- none of them Elder Scrolls specific, but many of them appropriate for various races (Latin for Imperials, for instance, or Finnish for Nords, or....)
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