I fear I might have worn Oblivion out to its fullest, and I was hoping I could get some advice so I don't... Wait for it... Get bored while playing Oblivion. Normally I would have slapped someone who would have said that, but I'm soon thinking this too, So I was hoping that someone could drop a line and inspire me for a new game.
TL;DR: I need a character idea and a role-playing mindset to back up
In advance, if this is what you would consider an "annoying" thread, I'm sorry, just kinda new here
Nothing annoying about this thread.
You know what's annoying? The ones with a title like "question." That's it. Just "question." Like we wouldn't have known otherwise.
Or the ones that go like: "I was playing this quest and the thing that was supposed to happen didn't happen so I used this cheat that made something that's sort of like what was supposed to happen happen and now the quest is glitched and I saved right after I did it and my only other save is from 187 hours ago so how do I fix it?"
But I digress......
The way that I combat boredom is creating new characters and switching between multiple characters. The way I play characters-- I just start with a very basic outline-- something that intrigues me or that I think might be interesting-- Orc mage, female Bosmer with a battle axe, Imperial assassin who uses conjuration and illusion because he's too haughty to get his hands dirty, half-naked Argonian dagger specialist, half-naked Dunmer courtesan :hubbahubba: .... Then I just start them up and dump them into the world and follow them around and try to get to know them and learn what they think and believe and value and just sort of let them live their own lives, in their own ways. It's fun every time-- especially when a character really starts to take on a life of his/her own and starts developing a distinct personality.
And when I get to a point where I'm not sure what one's going to do next or I'm just not that interested any more, I set it aside and switch to another of my 20-odd existing ones, or go and create another one.
And if all else fails and I just can't work up the interest in any of them, I go play something else for a while. I just came back from a break of a few months. During that time, I started the game a few times, but just didn't get into it. Then, one night, on a whim, I started it up and created a new character I'd been sort of pondering, and that was that. svcked me right back in.
So-- for me, at least, the roleplaying mindset is "This is not me. This is an entirely separate being, with its own personality and its own interests, and part of what I'm going to have to do is figure out just who and what s/he is." It's sort of like watching a movie and directing it at the same time.
For ideas.... pretty much any good idea I have gets turned into a character, so all the ones that come immediately to mind are characters I already have. I'll try to come up with some new ones though:
How about an Altmer assassin? Make him (or her) one of those drippy scholar mages like Orintur or Henantier by day, then, at night, he dons his shrouded armor and goes out and assassinates people. With an axe. As brutally as possible.
How about a Khajiit swordsman? Like a true, traditional, noble swordsman-- a pure specialist with the finest of everything, well-mannered, cultured, civilized.... and a Khajiit.
Or maybe a female Breton barbarian? And a hand-to-hander to boot. Tiny little pale-skinned Breton in some combination of fur, leather and iron, beating the hell out of Orcs and Nords with her bare hands. Or maybe a whomping big claymore or warhammer-- that'd work too.
Could always do a Redguard thief. They're barrels of fun. Since they start out with good combat skills, you can ignore those entirely and focus on stealth skills and by the time those are up to a good level, they're deadly. And there's pretty much nothing better than Adrenaline Rush for running from the guards when you have to.
Or you could just roll up something random (I've got a thread going on that elsewhere) and either make it a wholly random custom class or pick one of the premade classes at random. Whatever you get is what you get and you just have to figure out how to make it work.
Or.... you know..... you could play something else for a while, but don't tell Beth I said so......