» Thu May 26, 2011 9:30 pm
The more he opens his mouth, the more I think his fashion would be improved with some feathers. When you're trained with short and light blades, that glass sword is a big, clumsy hacking tool and less effective than an elven shortsword. And there's still one missing... Moving back toward the group she voiced her opinion "They were seven of the cretins - and only six deads. The last one didn't run my way, odds are he took a powder through your side. Maybe the others will catch him, maybe not, I'd rather play it safe and assume he's running to mommy. I don't think we'll have much time to hide the bodies, especially if they're leaving a blood trail any eyes could track."
Moving back to the downed archer, Fara snatched his bow and quiver, a sturdy steelwood bow with steel-tipped arrows. She added the steel shortsword and dagger and their sheaths, along with a small wineskin the man add carried. To finish up she pulled out the man's chaimail to pick the thick padded wool jacket he wore under his mail. If i make a run out of the city, I'll need all the warmth I can get. The mail would be nice to have, but it's noisy and smelly, I need discretion more than protection. The man's linen tunic was picked up too - it would make a makeshift bag. Then the man's purse. The coind would be of no se now, but if she could make it to a city, they would be needed.
Then Fara loooked used the longsword from the second man she had killed as a makeshift cleaver, taking out both legs, and separating the thighs, packing them into the shirt. I'll carve them up into something more suitable and ditch the bones when I get a chance to rest. Pity they're no more bosmers among us, they would understand better. Blah, they can dislike what I'm doing to all their hearth's content, I don't give a damn.".
Her looting done and packed, Fara used the dagger to quickly prepare a pile of small cuts of meat, as the emptynes in her belly reminded her that quite some time had passed since her last meal. I'd rather eat it cooked, but at leat it's warm. But a tad on the chewy side, I'll have to go for small cuts, especially as they'll probably get frozen. And with a bit of luck, finding the carved body will give at least some of them second thoughts. Getting nibbled on by a cannibal savage isn't as fun as hunting unsarmed peoples. A pity I didn't have time to have the body prepared as if it was some hunted game, it wold have been an even more repulsive.. Feeling better now she quickly moved to the others.