Going to be getting Oblivion finally

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 am

Hello, everyone! I am getting oblivion along with all of it's expansions/add-ons. This will be my first time owning any of the Elder Scroll games, though I have played Morrowind all the way through. My favorite race is a Khajit, and usually stick with the archer/stealthy classes. Is this class difficult in this game? I know it was somewhat hard for me in Morrowind. But I stuck with it, hehe. I am a pretty avid roleplayer as well. (Inb4 the flames and lolrp) I did it a lot in Morrowind, but with Oblivion having awesome graphics it's going to be even more fun. How long would you guys say Oblivion is? I know the main quest for Morrowind was somewhat short. Though the side quests kept me interested for awhile. Are there a lot of things to do in this game even after completing the main quest?

Thanks for any answers in advance. =P I'll probably become a regular on this forum if ya'll don't mind! =)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:21 am

Archer/stealth classes are all I play and Oblivion's handling of those gameplay issues is much better than Morrowind. Never rp'ed; I suppose it would be pretty good. I've played some 200+ hours of Oblivion on the PC and another 75+ on the 360. Still not boring. The main quest and all the guilds amounts to 50+ hours easily. The sidequests are another 50+ at least. The main quest is probably 10-15 hours depending on how fast you play.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:18 am

Archers and stealth classes are much easier on Oblivion than in Morrowind. There is always another quest to do and there are always undiscovered places and people throughout the world (I play on XBOX with the GOTY so you playing with all the plug-ins will have LOADS to do). Roleplaying is better in Oblivion IMO because there seems to be more to see and do. (That could just be me though.) I hope you have fun with it! ^_^
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 am

First time? I truly envy you :) You gonna love everything about it. Ironically, Stealth Archer is a perfect class for OB. The stealth system is REALLY FUN.

TIP: Under any circumstances, NEVER EVER sell or give away the following to ANYONE. Even Martin:
1. Azuras Star (Instead, search for the shrine of Sheogorath, obtain the Wabbajack, and give the Wabbajack to Martin... ermm, you'll understand me when you'll play the game).
2. Umbra Sword
3. Goldbrand

Trust me, I've gave away the Azuras Star and I regret it till this day.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 pm

Hi, and welcome.
Stealth and archery is quite easy in Oblivion apart from evading guards, just practice and take your time.
Since you've had some experience with Morrowind you will be fimiliar with the basics, but they have changed quite a bit so just take your time and learn slowly.
Oblivion is very long but not quite as long as morrowind due to quicker travel and knowing where to go instantly in most quests.
Not as many factions in Oblivion and depending on how you play, or how many characters you create some quests may get repetitive.
But there are many ways to roleplay around it really does not matter.

If you have general questions or just need advice just repost here as everyones happy to help.
Or if you need spoilers or have an issue with quests just pop over to the hints and spoilers section where everyone is happy to help also.
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John Moore
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 am

First time? I truly envy you :) You gonna love everything about it. Ironically, Stealth Archer is a perfect class for OB. The stealth system is REALLY FUN.

TIP: Under any circumstances, NEVER EVER sell or give away the following to ANYONE. Even Martin:
1. Azuras Star (Instead, search for the shrine of Sheogorath, obtain the Wabbajack, and give the Wabbajack to Martin... ermm, you'll understand me when you'll play the game).
2. Umbra Sword
3. Goldbrand

Trust me, I've gave away the Azuras Star and I regret it till this day.

Cool, I'll be sure to remember that! =) I just started a new game about an hour ago, and I am already in love with it. As soon as I stepped out of the sewers, the game was beautiful! I just built a new computer a couple weeks ago, so I have graphics turned up to the max. I love it. I made a Khajit assassin. Though, I custom made it. Haven't thought out a story for my character yet. But I'll do that soon. Heh, for now, I am not even going to worry about the main quest and just explore!
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:50 am

Cool, I'll be sure to remember that! =) I just started a new game about an hour ago, and I am already in love with it. As soon as I stepped out of the sewers, the game was beautiful! I just built a new computer a couple weeks ago, so I have graphics turned up to the max. I love it. I made a Khajit assassin. Though, I custom made it. Haven't thought out a story for my character yet. But I'll do that soon. Heh, for now, I am not even going to worry about the main quest and just explore!


That leads to another tip though-- the NPCs who are involved with the main quest will make it sound terribly vital-- as if you need to go here RIGHT NOW and do this RIGHT NOW. There's nobody like Caius telling you to just go off and do some other stuff for a while-- instead they all seem to pressure you. But don't take them seriously (unless you choose to). The main quest in Oblivion plays out more or less the same as the one in Morrowind. That is, you can go off at any time and do pretty much whatever you want with no real consequences. If and when you decide you want to pursue the main quest further, you can just pick it up where you left it off. Or you can start it and then just ignore it. Or you can not even start it at all. It's entirely up to you, even though a few of the NPCs will sound as if it's not.

Enjoy-- it's a great big interesting world.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:47 am

Welcome welcome!!!! Enjoy the game. Kick back, relax, grab some Mt. Dew and have an awesome time!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 am

Well, now I'm already thinking about making a new character, hehe. Altism for the loss. Anyway, I am thinking about going pure caster. Is it pretty hard to start out with? I want like a wizard, or mage or something that is pure blow 'em up with fireballs type of thing.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:06 am

It requires some thought, and the rules of magic have changed a fair bit from morrowind.
Its a very deadly build but as there are many schools and many spells, and a couple of birthsigns / races that each could make you deadly.
It really does require thought, patience, and practice in combat to perfect.

Though if you're finding it hard early on turn the difficulty down, I do so often with certain builds.
Really the best advice is just to muck around early on, before you settle on a character, lower the difficulty, look round towns and find ways to practice / have fun.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:55 am

You ask how long the main quest takes. It depends. First and foremost, certain of its objectives are optional. If you choose to ignore those, it'll last about as long as a previous reply states. If, however, you make it your duty to tackle those objectives, the quest-line can continue for a great amount of time. My first play-through I ignored much optional material and found the main quest-line somewhat underwhelming. This time around I did almost everything connected with the main quest and enjoyed it far more. (I am being deliberately vague here, since as a first-time player part of the fun is discovering all this for yourself.)

Second, main-quest length depends on whether you plow straight through it disregarding all else, or instead alternating between it and other quests / quest-lines. I recommend the latter, especially if you decide to attempt the above mentioned "options". But it's of course up to you.

Being on computer, you have access to many fine mods that can greatly increase your enjoyment of the game. But as a new player, I recommend you not concern yourself with those right away (except maybe the UnofficialPatches). Get to know the game. Discover what you like about it and what you feel needs improvement. Then slowly add things enhance areas of interest and/or correct perceived deficiencies.

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:03 am

Well, now I'm already thinking about making a new character, hehe. Altism for the loss. Anyway, I am thinking about going pure caster. Is it pretty hard to start out with? I want like a wizard, or mage or something that is pure blow 'em up with fireballs type of thing.

Playing a mage requires more knowledge than other types of characters. About how magic works, how to make effective spells, how to acquire/conserve/regain magicka. What's resistant or reflective, what can silence or paralyze you. How to manage crowds. One annoying limitation is that there's only 8 hotkeys. Another is that you can't delete spells, although there are mods that allow this.

But mages are a lot of fun!

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 am

Howdy neighbour, welcome to Cyrodiil :wave: We haz http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg too, but I think they taste better :D

I think the MQ is a bit shorter than that of Morrowind's...there's a lot of running around and fetching stuff again, but overall it seemed more concise to me, with the bulk of excessive time coming from the optional side trips. Shivering Isles is the only expansion this time, and just like Bloodmoon, its questline is separate and unrelated to the main MQ.

One of the biggest differences you'll be seeing right away is that the world levels with you. No more "can't go in there yet," because you'll nearly always be able to take on whatever's hiding in the shadows. Quite frankly, I died frequently around Seyda Neen, and even around Mournhold and Solstheim, but in Oblivion, dying was extremely rare.

Roleplaying is TOTALLY possible here too :) I brought an Orc over from Morrowind and continued his adventures, and had a great time doing it. Many here roleplay and have favourite characters -- mine is a tie between the first time I plopped myself into one of these games, and using a mod to make one of the bad guys playable and watching him become a holy defender of the Empire.

If you ever used the Construction Set, the OB version looks and works the same, but takes a lot of getting use to.

And yep, casters are totally doable. I'd never used magic in Morrowind, but in Oblivion my favourite characters end up being casters. If you feel like giving magic a try, buy some spells and play with the different schools, and see what they all do :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:29 am

Lol, oh you Oblivion fan boys. How you slay me. :lol:
Oblivion isn't the best game in the world, and saying he'll "love everything about it" is a bit of a stretch, especially if he's a Morrowind fan.
There are a lot of things in Oblivion that are dumbed down, mainstreamed, and streamlined to appease to a more broad audience. This ruins some of the gameplay/immersion for Morrowind vets. Things like fast travel, and having no other way to travel, the quest compass, leveled loot, leveled quest, leveled enemies, essentially the game never gets hard, or easy, because all enemies scale with you and your level, therefore everything is always the same pretty much.
Don't get me wrong, Oblivion is fun, just don't expect Morrowind 2, because it's not.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 am

Lol, oh you Oblivion fan boys. How you slay me. :lol:
Oblivion isn't the best game in the world, and saying he'll "love everything about it" is a bit of a stretch, especially if he's a Morrowind fan.
There are a lot of things in Oblivion that are dumbed down, mainstreamed, and streamlined to appease to a more broad audience. This ruins some of the gameplay/immersion for Morrowind vets. Things like fast travel, and having no other way to travel, the quest compass, leveled loot, leveled quest, leveled enemies, essentially the game never gets hard, or easy, because all enemies scale with you and your level, therefore everything is always the same pretty much.
Don't get me wrong, Oblivion is fun, just don't expect Morrowind 2, because it's not.

Don't ever say that to a new oblivion player because you will make him realize everything bad about the game.
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:33 pm

The replies here hardly qualify as "fan boy" material :rolleyes:
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:59 am

So far, I love the game, I am a level 7 Khajit assassin at the moment. Mainly using a bow, but pulling out a sword when I need to. I just finished the Dark Brotherhood quest line. That was, the most fun quest line I have ever done in a video game. Totally caught me by surprise when I had to slay my brothers and sisters. I honestly don't have that many qualms with Oblivion. Sure the fast travel is sort of lame, but I never use it. I think I've only used it twice. I prefer to explore while questing a lot more. And I think it is sort of neat the monsters scale with you. Sure it never becomes hard, but it allows you to explore anywhere at any level. I don't know, I'm just having a blast. After I get bored with this archer character, (Dunno if that'll be possible right now.) I'm going to play a melee character. Using a 2 handed weapon in your face type! haha.

Edit: One of the qualms I have is they took out some of the weapons from Morrowind. Spears were my favorite weapons. =(
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:06 am

It can go slower with leveling mods like Progress. You can control how faster or slower the leveling is for attributes.

Use nGCD for example, to remove the vanilla leveling and requirements to sleep to level. Instead it does this in the background.
Another one like this is Realistic Leveling.

That leads to another tip though-- the NPCs who are involved with the main quest will make it sound terribly vital-- as if you need to go here RIGHT NOW and do this RIGHT NOW. There's nobody like Caius telling you to just go off and do some other stuff for a while-- instead they all seem to pressure you. But don't take them seriously (unless you choose to). The main quest in Oblivion plays out more or less the same as the one in Morrowind. That is, you can go off at any time and do pretty much whatever you want with no real consequences.

Unless you install the mod, that if you ignore the main quest line, gates will start to open after a certain period of time.

I think it is sort of neat the monsters scale with you

Apparently lots of people didn't like this, hence all the mods that change / alter this....level 25 rats??
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