Chance of hitting and How to block in Skyrim

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 pm

How about, skill SEVERLY impacts the amount of damage you do? What if your blunt skill is 5, and you're attacking a heavily armed Nord with a warhammer? You shouldn't do ANY damage at all, not even a little. Just a suggestion.

I personally don't liek it, it's not realistic in any way. If I'm fighting a stronger opponent, his hits are more powerful but I can also deal damagae even if lesser.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:11 am

I personally don't liek it, it's not realistic in any way. If I'm fighting a stronger opponent, his hits are more powerful but I can also deal damagae even if lesser.

Yah I dont like the idea of complete mitigation... seems unrealistic.
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Tyler F
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:12 am

OB for both of course. If you control manually your character it's stupid to have a "miss" option, because you already miss if you aren't near your enemy. Same for blocking.

But shouldn't the enemy be able to dodge? Isn't it possible a character inexperienced with a longblade won't know how to strike properly, and thus not hit their opponent effectively (i.e. the blade glances off the armor)? You give me a dagger, and I don't really know which way to hold it, how to angle the blade, where to strike to maximize the blow, do I slice or shop or stab with it, how should I bend my arm when I swing it? The more experienced I become, the more knowledge I gain about how to always strike a blow that hurts, and to be able to successfully strike a moving opponent.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:46 am

The only way I can see to make a workable hybrid would be to have weapon skills and related attributes affect the speed, aim, and recovery time of your moves. The game would play out like OB's combat in a way, but a more skilled character would just be faster, smoother, and more accurate than a novice, and a lot easier to control. Having your L1 "fresh meat" character fight just as fluidly as a L30 swordmaster, only doing a lot less damage, make no sense, and felt just as wrong to me as MW's "whiff" attacks without a decent animation to show what happened. There wouldn't be a need for a "hit or miss" die roll, because with the lower speed and accuracy, you'd ACTUALLY miss a moving, dodging opponent on plenty of occasions.

Bingo! The solution to everything is right there -- a character's limitations would matter, but they'd be represented in a natural way, rather than with a "hit or miss" die roll.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 pm

I want to hit EVERYTIME I swing. However, the damage I do from said hitting swing should be calculated via dice roll.
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Assumptah George
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