Roleplaying Character idea and some thoughts on endgame

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:57 am

My problem with former characters was that I never felt like I belong to the game and am actually involved in the story, because I had no surname, I never had reasons to do something. E.g. I did the MQ just because I felt like doing it, or I became the great Listener, but I didn't even know why I killed all these persons. All I thought of was "I kill them for Sithis". But I never really thought about why I worshipped Sithis and why I was so evil.

Now I want to start over again and this time, I want to do everything right.

I thought of that I am a member of the Amelion Family. Biene is my sister and I start out as a normal person, tryin to earn money for me and my sister. We live together with our father at Water's Edge because he needs us at the farm. Since he's workin all day long at the farm, my sister makes food etc. for him and me and I earn money. Therefore, I am at the Fighters Guild. But I soon realized that the money I earned from that few missions wasn't enough to provide everything needed for three persons. So sometimes I went to the Imperial City, where I broke into the houses of the noble persons and stole their gold and valuable things. Now Im in the Thieves Guild too.

That could be the beginning of my character.

I definetly want to do DB questline and MQ this time. I already know how I could implement this:

Fighters Guild Spoiler!
You probably know that Biene is killed during Fighters Guild Quest (I didnt know cause I never played, but I read it on UESP). This will be my entrance to DB since I have much anger now and I will murder (I dont know what this will look like, because I dont know who killed Biene etc.). In all my anger and despair, I agree with joining the Brotherhood, because Lucien provides me that great offer: I get a knew family with many new brothers and sisters.

And for MQ, I think that I could find the old armor of my grandfather Brusef Amelion and than I am arrested and get this vision with the Emperor, etc. etc. And then I will know what I have to do to make my grandfather proud and make the name "Amelion" go down in history.

What do you think of my ideas? Which are good, which are bad? Also, I don't know what to do first. I am at fighters guild and Thieves Guild from the beginning, but what to do first? And when should I implement the Main Quest? It's sure that I will join the DB after that fighters guild quest (See Spoiler above). But can I really do MQ when I am in the DB or even listener?
What Ideas do you have to this topic? One of the darkest persons in Cyrodiil saving the world? Maybe to save my family, the DB?

Also, I really hated that I was the most powerful person in all aspects of the game. I was the great Listener, Grey Fox, Madgod, Archmage and divine Crusader at the same time. How could one person rule over everything and be the hero of so many different people, even of another world (Shivering Isles)? I think, if Oblivion was RL a person that is the leader of a faction would have more than enough to do with being the leader of that one faction. He would not be able to do many other things at the same time or even be leader of two or more factions at once. In Oblivion, after you are leader you do not have ANYTHING to do anymore in this guild/faction/whatever.
But this seems unavoidable. In my new idea, I will end up being Grey Fox, Fighters Guild Master, Champ of Cyrodiil and Listener sooner or later. And after that, nothing. Void. Void in Oblivion and in your head. E.g. You worship Sithis and you slayed all those souls, you go up in rank step by step, and then you are Listener and you can't do anything in this direction anymore. You do not even have people to talk to because they are all dead (In case of DB). But even if not, you can't do anything with them anymore. Its sad. What can I do against it?
Back to topic. Not playing through the guilds but stop at half of the plot may be a good idea to avoid this void (hehe). But what to do after stopping the plot line? Just leave it and never come back? I don't know.
It's a difficult topic. I played through everything with my current character and now I start Oblivion and stand there and ... nothing. I don't know what to do and then I go to the internet searching for ideas, but I dont find anything motivating anymore (This is another reason why I opened this thread).

I would really appreciate any replies with suggestions or evaluation of my roleplaying idea. It must be possible to have a character you are really into and that you can play even after you finished the questlines. Starting over is fun, but I would rather like to have the same motivation while restarting (Its fun to make up a new character idea, and knowing you will have access to all those plot lines again) without having to leave my old former character in the void (I use this word really often, and I dont even know if its the correct expression^^ Sorry, Im German. I mean something like emptyness but emptyness doesnt sound as badass :hubbahubba: ).

There may be some weird expressions or sentences in this text. If you don't understand some lines, just ask.

PS: Oh, I nearly forgot what my characters stats should be:

Race: Breton (Of Course, Amelion family is Breton)
Birthsign: I don't know yet. I thought about throwing a dice for realism reasons. Or I pick one that suits my character. Maybe shadow?
Class: Don't know how to call it. I would call it Assassin but it seems strange for a "normal" person and later savior of the world, even if he is in the dark brotherhood.
Blade -> My main weapon. Just because I like it and I think Assassins & normal people would prefer a dagger over axes etc. (what to do if sentence ends with etc.? Two points or one? Oh damn Im so offtopic :facepalm: )
Alchemy -> This time major. I didnt manage to get this past 70 in all my games as a minor skill. Now I want to use it as major. For intelligence points, srew it, I dont need intelligence anyway.
Light Armor -> Normally Id prefer running around in normal clothes, but I will definetly need armor sometimes and therefore I choose light armor (And because Brusefs Armor is light ^^)
Sneak -> My character steals and later he will get to the DB. So its obvious hes a sneaky kinda guy.
Armorer -> Just because I think I'll need it. Damn, I didnt want to think that way. Any roleplaying ideas for being a good blacksmith as son of a farmer?
Block -> Same as with armorer. Quite useful, but is it fitting?
Hmm...yeah, thats it. Don't know what to use as the last major. Definetly no magic, even if its sooo useful, I wont use it because it doesnt fit to my normal farmer's son guy character.

Security -> Hm ok, fits, but Skeleton Key. I dont know when or how I will get it, but it makes security completly useless and my character will lose much of his max level.
Mercantile -> Generally another completly useless skill but maybe it would fit to my character. I dont know.......................
Acrobatics & Athletics: I never liked to have them in major. Im not planning on changing that.
I have no ideas anymore :unsure:

So again, Suggestions are welcome.

Sorry for this monster post. But it was necessary. I dont want to be forced to quit Oblivion.

PPS: Ah, and I need a first name. It should be something fitting in the game and sounding epic with Amelion as surname.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

I think its a decent story, and what would make you really be attached to the character is the time and effort you put into it. So, the longer you're at it, the more you'll like it, even if you don't like the way the story is going. :)
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 pm

Thanks for reply.

What Im most afraid of, is that I reach the point I reached with all my characters, even with my current one, that I thought Id gonna play forever: The point where you have nothing to do and you have to think about what to do next. Sounds strange. But if you are really into, you practically flow through the game. This point breaks the game in my opinion. Your motivation is gone and you just play to play, rather than to experience adventurers with your avatar.
Mostly this point is reached when you complete a guild. I hate it when I complete a guild because I abruptly have nothing to do anymore in this guild and I completly brake out of immersion because I realize that now I have to do something different, even if my character is very attached to the guild.

Another important thing that I want to keep: Changing personality. Your char changes through what hes doing. But he does not change because you want him to (example from my previous char: I want to do Knights of the Nine so my character now wants to clean himself of his sins), he does change because of what you do with him (counter example to the above example: My character sees Luciens dead body and feels his suffer, and has strong feelings of guilt. So he decides to clean himself by the pilgrimage of the Nine) .
If you are really into him, you dont ask yourself "Would my character do this", you just follow what your feeling says.
I have lost that with my current character. I dont know why. And if I want to reactivate this, it feels unreal.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 am

I couldn't really vote on the poll and don't see any immediate probs with your character's story. :shrug: I like it, but I don't see any reason to criticize it, other than it's a little busy. :shrug: But everybody writes their own backstory, plot, and resolutions, that's what RP is all about. If you want a character who gets involved with all those questlines, that's your business. :shrug:

I do like the "living in Water's Edge" part, but from what I remember, those folks see it as trespassing if you enter their homes> not sure if doing that quest (Amelion quest) would make a diff or not.

So far as stats go, Alchemy levels up really fast if you're mixing potions & poisons. It levels up very slowly only on the other hand if your character is only going to practice wortcraft. Blade, block and sneak also level up quickly. This would bother me personally (I like a game that moves more slowly) but again, it's your game. If you don't mind quick leveling-up, you've got what you need.
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 am

Okay, thank you Renee Gade 2.

The main problem is that once you finished all the quests that fit your character theres nothing to do anymore. And this point comes much to early. Its also sad that you can be leader of all guilds and still have nothing to do, because the leader can just lean back. This is very unrealistic and completly destroys the immersion. Once I am the leader, I become completly useless for the guild and the guild for me.

An idea would be to make up own (theoretic) quests and claim that I do them or instruct the members to do them. But how to do this? I think i lack of fantasy there. If Im Listener, what can I do? Murder anyone? This seems not that fun.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:15 am

Your character is really sound and and a good roleplay build Imo.
I like the story, but as renee gade pointed you are spreading it very fine with DB and every other faction.

You explained this is due to not knowing what to do after the main and faction quests.
This is something I went through and am pretty sure most others as well.
The solution is use your story, and "make up" quests, things of interest, collecting pelts, which people they will talk to.
How they react to others ( even given the 2 to 3 max conversation chain ).
Just put yourself into her shoes and go along with what feels right.
My Khajiit character Askailla arranged the death of all the bigots in Leyawiin.. My Dunmer Osmundas has some very deep issues that he's working on.
My Altmer is keen on elven artifacts.

Doing all the Oblivion given quests can lead to being jaded with the game quicker than you may like, so just try to take it slow and let something inspire you when it pops up.

Edit: Oh and I like your use of void, I find that Germans have a nice way of putting words together to form meanings that go to the soul of what they are aimed at.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 am

But can I really do MQ when I am in the DB or even listener?

I was the great Listener, Grey Fox, Madgod, Archmage and divine Crusader at the same time.

Sounds good to me, and I agree that you could enjoy this character more if you actually know who she is, rather than just running about doing whatever comes next, with no thought about WHY the character does it. I did want to touch on these two points though:

Doing the MQ as an "evil" character works with the right motivation, which you have so far (redeeming the family name, saving her family rather than saving the whole world). It can also be a part of her character development -- she discovers this new "family," but then realizes she's not happy with it, so as she works for the Empire, she turns away from the DB. She doesn't have to do everything they say, or even spend much time there. Personally I've never done the DB quests, but from what I understand of them, if you're really into your character's head, she can easily object to something at some point. Maybe her anger propels her to Listener, or maybe she has a revelation well before then -- this might have to be a situation when you just watch to see what happens, rather than planning out every detail. Being in the Thieves Guild would apply here too, because she might only do some petty thieving for a while and eventually need to contact a fence, but might not have to go through the entire quest line.

With the second point, are you sure those were all the character's achievements, or were they actually just yours? Again, and as has been mentioned, there's really no need to do everything with just one character, because when you roleplay, the character makes the decisions. They might have a finger in every faction, but more often than not they'll lean towards certain aspects and avoid others.

KotN and the DB are a perfect example, because they aren't designed to be done at the same time anyway. Either you only do one or the other, or you do one, then have a big change of heart and pursue the other. Either way, you can't be a Listener AND a holy crusader at the same time. Game mechanics don't allow for it, and it doesn't make a lot of sense for roleplaying. Even if you're a Knight of the Nine and secretly an assassin, the Nine would know; while you could hide your actions from other mortals, you couldn't hide them from the Nine.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:36 pm

Could be better, but you should go for it.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:03 am

I can't see a member of the Fighter's Guild just go out and start stealing. You need an epic quest, to keep your coffers full, then you hear a rumor about someone looking for a worthy person in Anvil....
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:26 am

Selena, you have some wonderful ideas! I hope this character works for you over the long haul. When you discover the right character, it can be magical. I have the privelege of having traveled with such a character for about 500 hours now, with no end in sight. :dance:

* * *
A few thoughts, just 'cuz you asked:

- I don't 'become' my character; rather, I simply travel with her. I occasionally offer advice; she occasionally listens, lol.

- I provided my character with a pretty detailed background that got her up to where I met her in the tutorial dungeon. From that moment on however, she called the shots. I did not provide her a 'script' to march to; rather, she set her own path. After all, it is her little butt on the line. This takes lots of time and patience with your character and most of all, listening carefully to them.

- It sounds like you have experienced about every quest in the past. That is a good thing. It should allow you to gracefully accept if your character decides not to do a particular quest, or which (if any) guilds they decide to join. I would recommend being very careful to avoid 'mental gymnastics' that try to coax your character into quests or guilds that may not suit their path.

* * *
Ok, I think the specifics of a build are sort of mundane and I build characters rather eclectially, so I'm afraid I can't be too much help there. My character is quite the vulnerable glass cannon with lots of gimps and quirks. One area you asked about where I will try to offer some help is a name for your Breton.

Here are some that we use for the young Bretons that ride for the Black Horse Courier in our game: Miliele, Rianele, Lielle, Surani, Vienele.
I note that Selena is not only a lovely name, but quite fits a Breton.
Finally, here are two name generators that might help:
Edit: Oops. Just reread your original post. Seems like your char is a him not a her. Oh well, the name generator links will still help. :P
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James Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 am

Mercantile seems to go with that build, as a farmer's son would have knowledge of how to get good prices on the market. everything else looks good.
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