Topic #1: Taking Notes...
I was playing ArmA II a while ago, and if some of you have played the game, you know you can take notes ... like opening your map and add X's and write a little "resume" of what you found on that X place.
I know Oblivion had some sort of system that works like this, but its all scripted a.k.a current objectives... (for example, "I just found a cave with some kind of powerful stone in it")
Would you like to have some kind of a "personal" space to write your own annotations? or some kind of "Paint" (yes, Paint the Microsoft one...) to draw something you find in your travels (symbols, runes, etc..) to add some more immersion to the game???
Yes, i know consoles might be on a disadvantage here ... discuss...
Now, for the second Topic "Finding Treasures"...
Again, for those of you who have played Red Dead Redemption, you might know how treasure hunting works ...
If you don't, here it goes, suppose you are exploring, lost in the wilderness and you come across a chest... you open it and find some kind of drawing referring to a place on the world, maybe a big cliff, or a stone with some sort of "shape", maybe a big tree with broken branches .... so you keep exploring and you come across THAT stone, or THAT tree,.... you poke around a bit and BAM! you find a chest full of loot...
What I wouldn't like is the game telling you "That rock looks like the one in the drawing" just because you walked near that rock.... would be better if you realize it yourself...
So what do you think?