-cities would look awsome with wet coble roads reflecting the fires of the nordic torches
-if a khajit runs naked in a blizzard then snow should cling onto his fur, it would look pretty silly not too. human hair should also get snow on it, and so should most clothing and armour
-terrain NEEDS to change with the weather, we all want regions to be very varied (unlike oblivion, which was forest or grass plains, sometimes that daedra realm would be nice- and like morrowind, which had grasslands,ashlands,alien swamps on the coast, islands, regions of rocks protruding from the sea,extremely different cities etc.) but it would be even more varied if the same regions looked different
2: it would be VERY good if certain models (particularly common clothing, dungeon interiors,natural things like rocks and trees and the like) could have all of their colours change (with values in the counstruction set most likely ) this would mean multiple retextures of something are not needed so much space can be saved so that bethesda can use higher res textures to make the game look better without any noticeable memory increase while adding more diversity.
- thousands of shirts could be made from one model, one texture, one bumpmap and a texture that tells where to colour
- every dungeon could look different on the same tileset (we still want at least 7 tilesets anyway you lazy buggers :flamed: )
- player could customise stuff a whole lot more
- could possibly be used for every model in the game
3- need better fire effects- and would it not be insane if fire could change colour acording to the power of the spell?
-need some kind of random noise thing to the colouring system to make paterns in things like an animals fur
- there needs to be some shaders that make gore more convincing (i like l4d2s system, were part of the model goes invisible and a model of a gib is made underneath