You've seen the map-o-mods it may be old but is accurate and still very useful.
Hope that helps.
ps - if you use tesfaith to move anything remember you must recompile and save all scripts in the moved mod to ensure they get updated with the new location co-ordinates.
Cheers for that

I already know my mod doesn't conflict with TR, I made sure of that

. The island sits just south of Port Telvanni. And I know all about TESFaith

ive been working on this mod for years, before joining in atall with the community and the mod was originally sat next to sadrith mora, then north of dagon fel, then far east from sadrith mora, then up a couple of cells

I've moved this island around so much in the past you wouldn't believe
The most enjoyed elements of seems to be the memorable NPCs and the interesting dungeons.
So, I recommend you spend a lot of time making dialogue creative and give in-depth stories for everyone.
Create interesting places to explore, with secrets to find and different paths.
Use at least some resources so that there's new things to see to add uniqueness.
Spend a lot of time balancing the enemies and awards until they feel right. (this is easiest to do while testing, and test a lot)
All very good points. And i must check out your mod sometime :thumbsup:
And I do plan to test the mod a hell of alot. My main problem is im distracted easy. So I'll start by working on one area, then I'll start 'fixing up' a little error I noticed and I'll keep swapping around all the time. I have made 99% of the cells myself, and with some recent inspiration from Zarnatheron, plus help from my recently absent interior modder

I hope he turns up soon cos he made some [censored]in excellent imperial interiors :violin: