I always was curious as to the bell hammer and it's connection to the bells which have their own sounds. As we have seen with the game morrowind only important people or events have voice and unique sound effects. The sound of a shield clash was the same in oblivion as it was in morrowind except for a slight change. So it is at the very least noteworthy and at the very most an intended and important game play mechanic.
Important: Posting in this thread should be intelligible and organized, do not post things like "yah I leik totallayl agre on dat on". Post things like "I think the idea behind somber bell tones fits in well with the "sleeper" theme of house dagoth."
Now that all that is out of the way feel free to post your input and ideas and if you personally have discovered any sort of correlations or symbolic references please post them. Also feel free to post images of the items relevent to this topic.