Official Ideas and Suggestions topic # 2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:28 am

A lot of the individual things I want have been stated. Above all, though, what I want to see is depth. I want to see thought, I want to be able to do a quest or explore some out-of-the-way cave and see that the devs loved every part of this game. You can tell when someone used the "random generator" button and when things are lovingly hand-placed. You can tell when you find a fishy stick journal on a shipwreck that someone thought about that dungeon, and that someone had fun making it. I want to see, above all, that you guys love this game when you make it, and I want to be able to feel the artistic ability and pride I saw and felt in Morrowind, and felt more rarely in Oblivion.

I want personality.

I want uniqueness.

I want you to look at the things people have put effort into to. Do you know what categories of things people make mods for? It's like this:

*Bug fixes and "minor annoyances" fixes
*Cosmetic "make it look pretty" mods
*"System" depth mods-- mods like MMM that make combat varied and deep, that make things unpredictable and new, and that add more replay value. Combat, Alchemy, Leveling, Quests, new landmass, "overhauls" of loot systems, mods that say "we like this, but we want MORE."

I am concerned about your choice of dragons here. You guys have a lot of unique lore to use, so please use it!. I trust you to do it well, but shun the cliche high fantasy, if you can.

I want you to put love into this game, more than any one attribute. I want you to take your time and do it right. Delay it if you have to; don't be afraid that we're going to lose interest over a month or two. I wish I could hug you people and show you how much fun I've had playing Morrowind for eight years straight. Mods have kept it alive with depth. Please go look in the Morrowind Mods section and the Oblivion Mods section to see what people thought needed changing in those games.

Wishy-washy, I know. But I don't even care what particulars are used, just make it well loved and well made.

*EDIT: Also, please make a good UI, I mean, my god, the Oblivion UI was awful. There weren't 18 mods to fix it for nothing!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 pm

I want a change to leveling system. Dont like simple stat gains on level up would rather have something that gave my character a variety of choices to further customization. +5 Str kinda lame.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:11 am

I was thinking about the possibility that modding is not possible in Skyrim. The game is based on new "system" and so previous moddingtolls are not working. My wish is to Bethesda:

Please make sure that moddin is possible, PLEASE !!

Thank You for listening.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 pm

My list is probably much like other people's

1. Extremely limited leveling: many unleveled dungeons, low-mid level caps on randomly generated above ground enemies, only marginally leveled "bosses" with level floors

2. More travel options a la Morrowind with ability to turn off fast travel

3. More variety in architecture and geography

4. Ability to change tattoos and hair styles like Fable

5. Hard to find and interesting merchants with more money (i.e. mudcrap merchant or creeper [morrowind])

6. Epic story: Morrowind's story was awesome. Oblivion... not so much.

Notable suggestion I haven't seen much

7. No more cap to the number of times per level you can use a trainer.

One of the most annoying things about Oblivion was being FORCED to grind. I hate grinding. If I work hard to grab a TON of loot then I should be able to spend it. Character Optimization took 10-20 times longer in Oblivion because you'd need to grind at least 25 skill levels per level. That is hours of shooting fireballs into the air or getting wailed on by summoned creatures. It's not fun, it's just annoying. And you HAD to optimize in Oblivion because of the awful enemy scaling. It's not like people will be forced to use trainers or that they are so super convenient that it's hard not to use them. You have to FIND trainers and it costs good money to use them. People don't suggest this often but I feel like the cap on trainers cripples replayability because I am not really looking to grind characters OVER and OVER.
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James Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 pm

I want races to be advantages against each other.

The Orc race is by nature stronger than the other races, but in the games both an Orc and a Bosmer can achieve the same level of strength (100). This needs to change, because the orc will always have greater potential for strength, the Orc shouldn't just start with more strength, it should also be able to achieve more strength, like 150 for example.

Same with skills! Let my Bosmer be a more deadly with a bow than any other races could dream of.

make it matter more, what race you choose.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 pm

make the game harder, but keep it realistic (so at the hardest difficulty level it doesnt take 20 arrows to the face to kill someone wearing a dress.) but more like making the enemy more skilled, and replacing them with tougher enemies that would be realistic to have to take down with allot of arrows(deadric dudes in full plate armor)

more assasin type things (throat cutting, neck snapping, when your standing above someone that you can drop down on them and kill them(assasin's creed type assasinations), etc)

epic soundtrack

make it so you have to stick to your class (ie assasins get -10dmg when using magic attacks, and +5 when attacking from stealth,mages get -20 for using anything but a staff)

and make the stealth more realistic, it's kinda stupid when you can crouch infront of someone without them seeing you(unless it's pitchblack ofc) and that if someone sees you for a second when your like 10 metres away, they won't immidiatley attack but go and investigate first.

and things like shooting an arrow in someone's head/neck=instakill(unless they have a helmet/magic shield), in the leg they will start limping, in the arm they drop their weapons. and that you can chop off legs, arms etc. backstabbing/throat slitting should also be instakill but should be very hard to get(depending on their personality and skill they will either: get owned by you, when they hear you they spin around and attack you, wait till your realy close and then stab you)
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:16 am

And lastly. "Realism"/graphics arms race..... Don't invest more in graphics than you do in writing/scripting! Please. What does it matter if I can see drops of sweat, if the NPC doesn't react to me saying "hello" 20 times in a row? You will NEVER reach appropriate levels of graphical realism if you don't invest in BEHAVIOR. There's a reason "retro" gaming is popular, and it's the same reason that a lot of people prefer Morrowind to Oblivion...

I really love this series, thank you for putting so much into it, and good luck!

agree, let the modders take care of graphical improvements like in oblivion
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 am

Taken from my post in a different thread, but I figure it's equally relevant here....

I'm sure those are interesting points and I'd like to read them, but I don't want to put that much strain on my eyes. Could you please edit your post to have regular size font?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 pm

i think that the TES series needs more advanced texturing and meshing.
im kinda sick of having my characters face look like i rubbed it over with 7 litres of grease
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 pm

I felt that exploring morrowind was way better than exploring in oblivion simply because of level scaling. In morrowind, you wouldn't want to go to red mountain because the creatures there were extremely powerful, whereas oblivion they would have been scaled accordingly, therfore no fun. I like getting in over my head.

Thats what i liked about borderlands, generally, they allowed you to go to places that you weren't entirely supposed to go yet, but if you did and you weren't ready, you paid for it. So it gave me something to work on; to get my guy good enough to fight w.e. is holding me back. Not to mention the epic fights I had in borderlands because i would try to move on to places before I was ready.

Most people's quarrel with level scaling was that it made it too easy to get valuable things via random output chests. This too ruins the exploration aspect of oblivion. In morrowind, if a tomb was heavily guarded, you knew there had to be something good inside. But in Oblivion, it generally would just be something that goes according to your level. It also made for fewer unique items.

I know removing level scaling has been asked for so many times before me. but i'll say it again. remove level scaling.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:39 am

throwing darts, wereboars and climbing skill.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 am

Cities greatly expanded to a more immersive scale would be my no 1

Claustrophobia inducing alley-ways!!

Blank/basic Npcs who the character cannot engage in conversation and if tried the npc will give you a blank look and walk past or push you
as a possibility maybe if they push you you can taunt them by blocking their push so you retaliate with that bit of shoulder or something to escalate into a fist fight
(has to be popular with Nords where fist fights are like ABC and do not require special training (hold a blade = can throw a punch)
after winning a number of fights in a district the badass npcs will now converse with you and dodgy dealings questlines can begin make contacts deal skooma etc
^ speach skill can challenge leader of nasty tribe to a fight (related to str endurance and players skill in tekken)
More traffic on the roads to the cities - Horse drawn cartridges was a good idea - also hitch hiking would be cool

Beer Bribing system & please at least one asterix style spit roast

oh yeah if there was implementation of non magical weapons degrading with continued repairing then could that be scaled relative to skill? make finding a master smithy pretty imperative for not only training

Now my No 2 would be....... aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhahahahah succkkkaaaaa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 pm

I would like to see more options for homes in Skyrim. I enjoy the RP aspect of the game and there should be more options than one house per city.

They could maybe include interactions in your house like an armory room where you keep all your prized weapons, and a wardrobe filled with all your clothes. It would be nice to see my inventory physically then just in the journal.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:36 am

Now my No 2 would be....... aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhahahahah succkkkaaaaa

Drunk enough to not know how to edit-
Internal dialogue of when following a story then the coin is flipped and im fooled by a game
^ I really love

Horse drawn Carriages* - from small towns to big cites carrying goods- that have AI so they get robbed occasionally and the destined shop has less money/goods and prices rise
and if your a bad character you can rob the things yourself in nice thin windy paths through thick forest - and after continued robbing the mercenary guards grow stronger and more numerous and the shop starts to take loans - and then Mr Suave walks in and buys up their business guaranteeing to repay the debts and secure the trade routes while supplying to shop with the previously stolen raw goods at 100% profit
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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 pm

NO level scaling UGH!
Please make high-end armors, rare, and almost impossible to get a full set of..PLEASE!?
Make the NPC population sound less English and dainty? What happened to dunmers gruff voices? They sound like creme puffs now!
Add more actors so the voices aren't recycled sounding.
Levitation, mark, recall..back
make the NPCs actually seem busy and the cities bustling....The Imperial city ran like a small village
I want to sleep in the forests again
More armor! and more pre-oblivion armors.
Thats it for now..I'm sure ill post again.
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:23 am

1). Self-Shadowing: Hopefully applied to everything in the game world - all characters, objects and environments.

2). DIfferent Dragon Species: Many different kinds/species of Dragons to defeat will give the game more diversity [by many different kinds, I mean some that fly, some that live underwater, some that have more than one head, etc.]. The more combat variety we have with these Dragons, the better the game experience will be. It will also force the player to alter their strategies to defeat each new challenging Dragon. [hopefully, the very last Dragon in the game will be ENORMOUS]

3). Destructible environments. That is the new thing in game tech nowadays - to show off how destructible a game's environment is and TESV: Skyrim would substantially benefit from this particular level of detail. Imagine swinging your sword to attack a skeleton - but it moves just in time - and you take a chunk out of the wall behind it. That would be EPIC!

4). No Auto-Leveling: If I wander into a dungeon and waiting at it's core is a monster many levels higher than me, I should still be able to fight it - and with a lot of skill, cunning and tactics defeat it. That is what made Morrowind so special to me - you could be engaged in battle with something significantly stronger than you, but you could win the battle if you played your cards right. ;)

5). Visable Damage to Armor and Weapons: Self explanatory. Weapons and armor have always had a durability scale and in the case of weapons, it was reflected by a weathering/rusting effect on-screen. This would be great if it applied to your armor as well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:41 am

A little side section of the player's journal would be nice. A side section where a person can make/ write in their own notes and reminders. For forgetful people like me, so we don't have to run all the way back across the map to buy an item from another town that we forgot to while we were there. :D
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:55 pm

I have some ideas for magic. Sorry if these have already been stated:


New Spell Effects:
Shape Shifting (Cast on Self only)
Summoning Wildlife (i.e: Wolves, bears, Dragons (I can wish), etc.)
Earth Damage
Wind Damage
Push/Pull Spell effect
Infect (Disease)
Almsivi/Divine Intervention
Burden actually being useful
Bound Arrows

Surround Spell Effects: This would be a 'secondary' effect to a spell. i.e:

Self x

Surround x (Only available for 'Cast on Self' spells except for Shape Shifting)
Chain (i.e: Chain Lightning (Only available for 'Cast on Target' spells))

Effect: Lightning

Damage: 75

1-120 x 10

Projectile Duration:
Instant x

Area: 100 (Must be over 50 to qualify for Surround)

Duration would be how long the 'storm' will last, Projectile Duration is how long the damage will last for once it has hit the target. These Surround spells would cost about 2x more than a 'Cast on Target' spell of the same strength.

Shape Shifting: This effect would allow you to transform into an animal for a time. The availability of this would be determined by:

1) How strong you are compared to the creature you want to morph into. Requirements are at least double creature's overall level i.e:
Wolf: Overall level: 5

Player: Overall level: 6

Above Player would not become the animal.

Bear: Overall level: 10

Player: Overall level: 25

This Player would, as he/she meets the level requirement.

2) Skill in Alteration (Or whatever skill it's under) i.e:
Bear Morph
Requires Alteration skill of 75

Fairly obvious to all who have played Oblivion.

3) If you could summon the creature you are trying to morph into.

Please note that Shape Shifting would be a 'Cast on Self' only spell.

Chain Spells: Essentially chain lightning, but with other effects. i.e:

Target x

Chain x

Effect: Lightning

Damage: 75

Instant x

Projectile Duration:
Instant x

None x

This is the set-up for a Chain Lightning spell. The spell's effect would look similar to, but with Skyrim's graphics. It would work similar with any other spell effect. This would cost about 1.5x the amount to create than a Target spell of equal power.

That's all I have... for now. :evil:
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:02 am

make the game harder, but keep it realistic (so at the hardest difficulty level it doesnt take 20 arrows to the face to kill someone

this is true, the realistic dificulty must be in both ways, i wanna kill in one shot an enemy and be killed in one shot by the enemies.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:41 am

Despite the loathing comments, I expect Leveled Lists to remain because they did solve a problem with Morrowind, even though they cause additional problems.

To build on a couple prior comments, if Leveled Lists are used, please consider the following:

1. Once a leveled monster is seen, respawns of that monster are always at the original encountered level, not the newer level.
2. Do not add ranked creatures to leveled lists. Finding a leveled goblin tribe populated only by warlord goblins is silly.
3. Monsters near public places (roads, towns, cities, or other common places) should never be leveled. People would not go there.
4. It is OK to have cannon fodder in the game, especially if low level monsters are quick to retreat when facing a powerful character.
5. It is OK to be cannot fodder in the game. Like invisible walls, high level monsters help keep the player out of places they should avoid. This is the "please do not feed the Deathclaws" rule.
6. Instead of leveling up an area, consider the effects of population growth instead of new or higher level monsters. Multiple lower level monsters can be as challenging as a single high level monster, when there is time to replenish the population.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 pm

@ jack

don't worry I still think you mentioned the right suggestions :)

for me in short

make better combat/magic/stealth system :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 am

I think it would be good if a character's magic staff worked slightly different than in Oblivion. Instead of the staff being a reservoir of magic that anyone can use (even a non-magic character) it should be used to amplify a character's magic. For example, if the character knows a fireball spell it should be hard to control or use properly without a staff at low levels of (say destruction skill for this example) the skill. With the staff the spell works better. At higher levels a character should be able to use the same fireball spell better without a staff, but instead of the staff being used to make the magic work properly, it could be used to amplify the magic and make it more destructive. I also think a character should be able to use the staff as a blunt weapon to beat someone down with, say if the character is too tired to use magic (out of the magic meter). I hope this idea gets considered because I think it's a more realistic way to use magic than enchanted wood - one would need to be a wizard to do magic, not just a random guy who picks up a cool piece of wood that does magic for him.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:01 am

The ability to delete spells from your grimoire. This was only available in TESII: Daggerfall. Please give us back that feature.
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josh evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:38 am

Hi there...

some ideas:

1) Where′s my body - in first person view.
Well, it′s not a great change, but the possible to see our own body in the game in first person view really improve the immersive of the game...

2) Like the new Fallout′s NV hardcoe mode.
Fallout NV is other great game, and i loved the new hardcoe mode that give us the needs of sleep, eat and drink water to survive… And I think it would be a great idea to have this in the new Skyrim and, if possible, with some improvement in the food, like: There is a old game called “Arx Fatalis” that, who′ve played this game knows that when we get a raw fish for exemple, we have to grill it (placing it in fire) to eat, and if you take a long time to eat, the fish will rot.. It′s a great method to improve the realism of the game.

3) Relationships… Like Fable.
In Fable we are free to invest in relationships with anyone… It′s not necessary to accomplish any mission in the game, but you can date a woman, marry and even have a kid if you want to…

4) More animals…
I played Red Dead Redemption, and in this game, you find a really living atmosphere through the game… Walking around you find a lot of different animals and people interacting with them…

5) The dead corpses…
Other thing I think we could see in skyrim is a improvement in the dynamics of the dead corpses… well, something like flies after some time in the corpse in the ground, some vultures… or, when some one die in a village for example… please, some one need to discard this body. No one likes a dead man in the center of the town.

6) More blood and, of course, fallout′s mutilations >=D
I′m pretty sure that the mutilations we have in Fallout will be in the new skyrim, but there is not a good dynamics of blood… if we drag a leg in the floor, could be a blood trail or something like that.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:21 am
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