Begin PL_TrebDeathif ( GetJournalIndex MG_KillTelvanni >= 100 ) Return ;If MG_KillTelvanni is completed, script does nothingelseif ( MenuMode == 1 ) Returnelseif ( GetJournalIndex MG_KillTelvanni < 50 ) PL_necromancers_amulet -> disable Return ;Disables non-carried clone of Necromancer's Amulet until Trebonius is assassinatedendifif ( GetPCCell "Vivec, Guild of Mages" == 1 ) Return ;Make sure PC isn't present when Trebonius gets whackedendifif ( GetDeadCount "Trebonius Artorius" > 0 ) Return ;If PC has already killed Trebonius, don't botherendifif ( GetJournalIndex MG_KillTelvanni >= 50 ) "Trebonius Artorius" -> positioncell "Vivec, Guild of Mages" -557 440 -757 92 "Trebonius Artorius" -> sethealth 0 ;kills Trebonius, places corpse in his quarters PL_necromancers_amulet -> enable ;Places amulet next to corpse, in case corpse decaysendifif ( GetDistance Player <= 256 ) journal MG_KillTelvanni 110endifEnd PL_TrebDeath
For the life of me, I can't see anything wrong with it, but I get errors when I try to save: it says stuff about "function reference object not found" on line 9 and "miss mached quotes" on line 25. What the bargle is going on here?