» Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:53 am
I just picked it up in Best Buy for $19.99 last night.
So far, I'm already seeing why the hardcoe FO fans were so dismayed about having Bethesda take on the project. Having come from TESIII, and then playing both OB and FO3, I can see why Bethesda did what it did, but not necessarily HOW they did it. The old game was certainly "dated" and needed a major overhaul, but the challenge other than just "killing stuff", character development process with "meaning", and twisted sense of humor were scaled back a lot in the Bethesda "sequel". Most of the same arguments are coming from the Daggerfall and Morrowind fans about where OB took the TES series, from a challenging "thinking" RPG to an "action-adventure" game for the casual player.