Sweet, two things,
1.) We have to pick where you're in charge of. The Imperial City may make sense, but it's hard and has 100% Resilience with Ocato home. That means it's going to be the hardest, adn should probably be the last in Cyrodiil to fall.
2.) Do you still hold your seat in the council of elders or have you quit? (You could be a secret Dissenter...)
1.) We have to pick where you're in charge of. The Imperial City may make sense, but it's hard and has 100% Resilience with Ocato home. That means it's going to be the hardest, adn should probably be the last in Cyrodiil to fall.
2.) Do you still hold your seat in the council of elders or have you quit? (You could be a secret Dissenter...)
Thanks for the comments

Well, firstly, it's likely he'll be more involved with the other cities, turning counts against each other and basically using his position to dissolve Cyrodiil's nobility as best he can in order to expand his own influence. So it won't just be the Imperial city, that's just where he's based.
And yeah, he's still on the council, a secret Dissenter. Nobody outside the Dissenters know he's one of them (maybe even the low-ranking Dissenters are unaware)