Victor, for the uninitiated (i.e. about 95% of people reading this) was a British magazine for boys chock full of stories and comics of daring-do and all that good stuff, and their annuals would often have fun pages of historical weapons or famous battles and what-not.
But enough waffle, here's the page:
(By the way, the page opposite is "Cadman, The Fighting Coward" before you ask.
and now for some close-ups:
This is probably the closest thing to metal armour in the game.
Who wouldn't just love to have a shield with them in the wasteland? In combination with one handed weapons, like a sword...
But my personal favourite is this guy...
Now that is metal armour, it would probably give you a Perception penalty but who cares? It's just, cool, that armour needs to be in Fallout, or any game.
Here's the front cover of the Annual in question.
That is all.