What happens if you call FixMe after moving the object into the player's cell?
I might give this a go but I tried it in the console and it didn't seem to do anything. Looking at Nicholiathan's post something tells me it won't work
It's PositionCell if you want to place an item in the interior.
I'm only trying to place the item in exterior cells for now.
Moving a container is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with Morrowind scripting. To accomplish this several things have to happen...
Thanks a lot for all your advice, it's very much appreciated! I'll see what I can do. Most likely I'll be back looking for some more help
A few questions, though...
First the character must have been in the cell with the container since the most recent game load...
No problem, thanks to your help in my other thread!
Your script will need to move the player to the container's holding cell and then back to the player's original position the first time the move container script is called after a cell load.
Ugh, that's a pain, since the only reason I'm trying to move an object in the first place is to avoid the player having to visit the container's original cell every time the game loads.
What if the player is in an interior cell before you move him? You can't move him back to his original position using "Position"...
The next thing that has to happen is you most move the container to a cell within 1 cell of the player's position. To do this you would look at the player's X and Y coordinates and using a long list of nested if() statements find a cell close to the player.
That sounds insane! The map must stretch at least a hundred cells in each direction! Could you not just place the container at the player's co-ordinates (either disable it first, or modify the co-ordinates slightly so it doesn't get in the way)?
Once the the container is close to the player it can then be positioned at the player's final destination using setPos. However the container will not display correctly so it will have disable, enable, fixme performed on the container twice each and then positioned again to fix the display.
Twice each? Interesting... do you think there's any chance using these commands twice each with my existing code would work?
When done with the container the script needs to store the container in the holding cell
This holding cell idea is interesting... If all this is an difficult as you say it is, I might just give the player an item that teleports him to the holding cell so the container doesn't have to move at all.