Ok, I have begun again with the same char at the point she leaves the sewars. changed her stat build. not worrying too much about endurance or strength, gone for personality/speechcraft and intelligence cos i figure the altmers to be civilized (but not pompous or obsessed with material things like imperials) and clever - thinking something like LOTR s elven folk at Rivendell. She will now be positively averse to weapons and use h2h only in emergency melee encounters. I'm make her have to eat regularly and sleep at nights like a person has to. Also, she has to walk - or jog for short periods only, no more running flatout across cyrodiil. she will only kill if attacked for now. For the future development direction i'll think about joining the MG as soon as she hears about it in rumours and when her close friends at Bruma get creamed that may twist her psycologically enough to join the DB. I'd like her to become grey fox, but i can't see a young girlie mage, intelligent yet naive, becoming a devious rogueish thief - having said that, a time behind bars will naturally take you in that direction. But, there we are! already i can see her role play being taken over by the game. she'll definitely avoid the Arena and FG. but what about the SI ? i can see her being curious enough to visit the little island, but would she follow the SI storyline? i guess the plot kinda svckers you in.
I might leave the diff slider in the middle for this - since i can see she'll have a hard enough time surviving wolf attacks for now. Its stll gonna be Dead is Dead for this - so i reckon the challenge is there now.
What do you think?????
I think you're gettin' hte hang of this! Yea, I always leave the diff slider in the middle. No more blatant running all the time is good, too. Oblivion feels a little less like a videoame and more like a real place if you take the time to walk more often. :thumbsup:
One thing to point out is your character is going alot of different directions. You're going Mage's Guild, you're doing Dark Brotherhood, thinking of doing the Thieve's Guild, and you'll no doubt do some random exploring.. A word of caution: the PS3 can't handle more than about 350 hours of Obvlivion before it starts glitching terribly. All a sudden, you won't be able to open doors or gates anymore, they literally get stuck. It's a terrible glitch, I've lost a couple games to it. I only mention this because with this problem, a PS3 game can't just go on forever; therefore you might want to consolodate some of your goals.