» Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:45 am
My characters on the whole tend to concentrate on quest-related dungeons, however every so often they get an urge to check out the places they've been bypassing to see what (or who, as the case may be) is lurking inside.
Since they are all sneaky sorts my characters generally do not explore dungeons looking for loot, although they will take anything valuable that happens to be inside back out with them in order to sell it. They also tend to avoid combat whenever possible, so they tend to spend large sums in training in order to level up combat-related skills for those times when they simply must kill.
My newest character is rather different despite being sneaky yet again, since he is an Alchemist by trade and thus goes into dungeons in search of ingredients and possibly better equipment. That some of same ingredients have to be forcibly taken from their owners is something of an impediment in making specific potions, since he only kills if necessary. On the other hand his non-combat skills are very high, so he can get pretty much anyone to either do for or give him pretty much anything, and often make a profit in the process.