I've been getting kind-of better today was 1st game with more than 10 kills

(12 kill 11 death)
For some reason, the scar aims better with iron sight then reflex/assault for me, lol
i use the following for modules:
Armor enhance
weapon pro/side pack (aim enhance doesnt help at all)
Also, how do i get "Attachments" for the guns (X button doesnt work like it does in campaign)
Also, with the lag issue, does lead-shooting work? i use it a lot on halo 1
Another thing i need help with is how to make the settings for graphics "Low" they only show up as high. For some reason, my game slows down to 5-10 fps for a few seconds and this is annoying.
You're playing on controller? lol
For better scores, use mouse+keyboard.
"High" is for low graphics. For better performance use Blutaars script for low graphics http://secure.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=44286