So... I don't usually play games twice. But, this game was quick to beat running straight through blindly - and was a success. But, I wanted to explore more and go out of the story itself, and just - escaped

So, I beat the game - it was a miserable victory, the story line I received was pitiful... So, I restarted from scratch.
I invest 30 hours into the game again, after 20 hours from the first run through. Whenever I saved and shut my xbox off(after exiting the game,) I haven't been able to load my prior game. I believe it to be from to much data... not entirely sure. I have the explorer perk, and have done the greater majority of all quests... as well as explored mines and other areas not even listed on the exporer map...
Just wanted to say - that perhaps an update to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Really not starting over again, though... game was fun while it lasted, time to move on unfortuantely =(
*(Note)* This was posted over a month ago in the wrong section, within FA3 - oops.
With that, want to state I have now started over 4 times due to to much information within the game, on my 250 gig xbox360, I bought in december and only play a few games on. Love the game, but really getting upset about having to start over so much.
Sincerely -
(Fallout) Yeti.