1. What in Survival can you stack in HCM beyond Healing Powder/Poultice?
2. I don't care that much for minor bonus effects though. Only debuff I know of is withdrawal and super stimpaks.
3. I lazy tho.

I just made a list and you ignored it. xD
Brahmin steak, Gecko steak, Bighorner steak. All three are incredibly common, easy to make and heal 5 HP over 15 seconds. Stack all three and you have 15 health returned per second for 15 seconds.
Desert Salad regenerates like 15 HP alone for 20 seconds (all of this is from memory, could be slightly off). From experience, it's rare to make as it requires Pinyon nuts BUT the other ingredients are incredibly common, so the moment you have pinyon nuts, you'll know you can make a desert salad.
Bloatfly Sliders just need Bloatfly meat and one of the cactus plants. Those heal like 8 or 10 HP over 15 seconds.
Deathclaw omelette is an obvious one, though personally I never make them cause I simply can't be assed to carry their giant eggs.
Gecko kebab is an alternative to gecko steak, think it requires jalepenos, and is useful in the sense that it heals 2 HP over 40 seconds, thus giving you a way to heal minor wounds as you travel.
There's likely more, but these are the ones I bother to use due to convenience.