Havn't played many singleplayer games in years, and the fact that it seemed like I couldnt get into singleplayer games anymore buged me, so I finally decided to complete skyrim, and thanks to that - I now feel like I'm ready for Morrowind again, let's say skyrim was like a warmup lol.
Anyway, enough of my rant and so here's the deal.
I love bards, or to be exact - fantasy bards, so thats what I will be rolling for my comeback in morrowind.
Now, I always used to create custom classes, and even sometimes the random generated class (where you anwser a bunch of questions).
What you guys think, is the pre-defined bard class good enough? It is pretty close to what I had in mind for a bard - basicly to me a bard in fantasy settings would be something like this as far as traits etc goes:
Buffs - Buffing themself and their allies through songs.
- Buffs that increase themself and their allies ability to fight.
- Runspeed - being a player of the EverQuest series, in my mind bards buff movement speed.
- Heals - I don't really see them as adept healers, but having some sort of restoration powers using their singing, allowing their allies to get better sooner.
- Debuffs that lowers enemies ability to fight.
- Crowd control - for exemple calm - mesmerizing creatures using their songs/playing their instruments.
Being adventurers and travelers - The way I think of them, they get most of the insperation for their song from their own adventures. They would be good treasure hunters, being adept lockpickers and in general good at acquiring loot.
Charisma, ladies men etc. - Being able to charm other people for better prices while bartering, people are more willing to trade information with them etc - people generally like them.
And my own personal spin on them is that I like to see them as good merchants, travling across the lands - selling treasures and what not.
I also want to say that I enjoy min/maxing so if you guys have any tips on how to make the class as good as possible but without building something that doesn't really fit the description of a bard, then that would nice.
So for the build I'm thinking something like this:
Fav Attributes: Personality,Intelligence
or: Personality,Agility
Major skills:
Minor skills:
Medium/Light armor
Restoration/Enchant or alteration.
Birthsign: Steed (For speed as mentioned above) or the Lady.
As I mentioned before, I enjoy min/maxing so if I could get some pointers on how to get the most out of leveling while still staying true to either my concept or your concept of a bard that would be great.
I used to know this game in and out, but nowdays games are so streamlined that you get spoiled/lazy